The R.E.D. Room Part 3

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-"Charlie had a dream...of a red room..."

-"Charlie?" Ephraim's voice questioned.

-"The R.E.D. room" Ramon warned.

-"Charlie? Charlie who?" Ephraim asked.

-"Chuck..." I gasped, realizing who she was talking about.

-"In his dream, a woman with a pale face-" I fumbled around my bag looking for the book.

I was right, she was writing a new story, and she had somehow managed to tell it to us aloud. I turned the machine off and placed the book in my bag, rushing to leave to find Chuck.

-Over with Chuck-


-"This is an evil place..."

-"Run while you still can..." a very faint voice whispered to Chuck, who began to sweat as stress and fear flooded his head.

An alarm began to ring, the loud sound echoing through the hallways as he ran through them. Then he stopped running, looking at his surroundings in shock as all the hallways were illuminated in a bright red lighting. Making the halls look like a red room.

-"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!" he yelled, running once more to try to find Y/n and Ramon.

-"No, no, no, no..." he whispered as he saw in the far distance a pale lady, with long black hair slowly walking towards him.

He rushed, taking different turns and halls to try to lose the white lady, but it wasn't working. Wherever he went she was still there, slowly walking towards him. He found his way to an intersected hallway. Each side he turned to had the white lady walking towards him...there was no escape.

Chuck was stuck, each exit was blocked with no way out. He tried running but he ended up backing up and he got closer to the slow walking pale ladies. He panicked, he tried running away but was blocked by them, even worse they had their arms extended into a hug position.

-"Hel-" his last cries for help were blocked out when the white lady's body took in his, almost as if she had eaten his body up with her stomach.

-Over to Y/n and Ramon-


-"CHUCK!!" I yelled, as we ran through the red illuminated hallways.

-"Chuck! Chuck, where are you idiot! Don't scare me!" I panicked as I couldn't find him.

-"Chuck!" Ramon called out.

-"He should be right here-Y/n?" I fell to the ground, staring at Chuck's pen, the black pen which I so much despised.

-"...he's gone," I whispered.

-"So, where's your little friend?" the snobby nurse from before asked.


I think of the whole movie, the white lady is the creepiest. And her design is so simple so I don't know why she's the one that creeps me out.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I'm also very happy to say that Alice In Wonderland 2 is in the works again! I've written about 7 pages so far, so let's see were it goes.


Scary Stories to tell in the Dark (Ramon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now