Bathroom Part 1

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Self harm will be mentioned in this chapter, so if you're sensitive to those types of topics you've been warned.


Ramon and I walked home in silence, I felt guilt clinging onto me. It was my fault, there was no denying it. I had asked them to go to her house, I had asked Sarah for a story, and I had taken her book. I guess this was her way to punish me, hurt those around me, 'cause hurting me would be less fun for her, I suppose.

-"There's food in the fridge, help yourself" I mumbled quietly, rushing to the bathroom, and slamming the door.

I sat on the floor, my knees pulled to my chest as I looked at the fainted scars on my wrists. Dad never found out about these, I made sure of it. I made sure no one would, but like everything else I managed to screw up and Auggie and Chuck had see them.

I remember it clearly, I was in the bathroom, cutting my wrists again, the second time that morning. The cuts I had made earlier were still bleeding through my black long sleeves. I was close to passing out, which only encouraged me to cut more, that way, hopefully, I wouldn't wake up.

No one was going to be home, dad was at work, out of town. I only hoped that he wouldn't suffer too much from my death, although mom leaving was my fault, the woman he loved and adored was gone. So maybe he wouldn't even care, maybe he'd call mom back, tell her I was gone and that she could come back.

I had watched the sink's sides stain, stain with the crimson red liquid, it was a pretty color. My vision was botched up with black spots, my head was hurting. I guess it was my body's way of trying to stop me, but I knew myself too well, to know that when I started something I would carry it through.

I blacked out, only moments after cutting one last line. Eventually, and to my very unfortunate-ness, I had woken up. I felt sick and gross, but I wasn't in the bathroom anymore, but in my room with my wrists all cleaned up and wrapped. Shit!, I thought, as the door handle rattled, I dreading the moment my dad would walk in to ask...whatever he wanted to ask or do.

But to my surprise it wasn't him but Chuck and Auggie. They rushed to me, handing me a glass of water and asking if I needed anything. I told them I was fine, that they shouldn't have bothered and should have left me there.

This was the first time, in all the years I had known Chuck, that he slapped me across the face. After that he yelled at me for a couple of hours, I don't remember any of it since I was still in shock of the slap he had given me. But after all that he hugged me, sobbing into my shirt that he hated me so much, and he'd hang me next time I did that.

I stopped, for them, and only them, I had stopped cutting to keep them happy. I promised them to stop...until now. As funny as life would have it, I found myself in the same bathroom I had done it the first time. Wishing the same things I had before, and hoping it worked this time.


I struggled with this chapter and it's not the best because of it, it reminded me of some things so I got a bit sensitive about it so it kinda sucks. 

I wanted to have the reader cut since they usually portray characters with such problems as being okay from them, being able to move on which in most cases is not true.

I'll come back to it maybe one day when I'm not too sensitive about it and fix it, but till then this is what we have to work with. 


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