Sarah Part 1

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-"She's out of her room again" the voice of a woman called out, knowing I'd get in trouble for being here I looked around for a hiding spot.

-"Boys? Sarah's out!" an older man's voice echoed through the halls as I rushed past them.


-"Sarah?" a young man's voice asked, I peeked from the curtain I was hiding behind, watching as a man looked around different places for Sarah.

-"Sarah? Where are you?" I ran out from behind the curtain up the stairs when I saw another man locking the front doors.


I ran to a random room after going up the stairs, sighing in relief when I finally closed the door. I leaned more forehead against the door, my breathing slowly going back to its normal rate before someone spoke.

-"I hear her" I turned around to see an old lady wearing a back dress and veil.

-"She's here!" she yelled, while I panicked, reaching for the doorknob before noticing my reflection in the large mirror. I was Sarah, the reflection in the mirror wasn't mine, but hers. I had long white hair and my face was pale white. I heard footsteps so I ran out the door, to a new place to hide.

-Over to Ramon-


Ramon was hiding in a room, coincidentally the same one Y/n had been only moments ago before she left. Although he never saw her since they were in what seemed different timelines or something.

He could feel her presence earlier though, which is why he had chosen that room to hide in. Almost as if he knew she was there. He suddenly held his breath as he heard the Jangly Man growling on the outside part of the door.

-Back to Y/n-


I ran back down the stairs, looking around frantically for a hiding spot. I rushed to what seemed like a dining room when I heard Sarah's brothers calling after her, or me, I guess, since I looked like her. I guess this was my story.

-"Lou lou" I whispered after stopping as she stood a few feet in front of me.

-"Thank you" I told her as she pointed under the table, I assumed she would tell them I was somewhere else.

-"Did you see Sarah?" it was a woman's voice, her mother I guess.

-"No, ma'am" Lou lou replied.

-"She's lying," a man accused.

-"You wouldn't lie, would you Lou lou?" the lady asked her again.

-"No, ma'am"

-"Mr.Bellows! No! Please!" I felt bad, she was trying to help me and she had gotten in trouble.


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

It's not been edited or re-read so there may be mistakes!


Scary Stories to tell in the Dark (Ramon x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora