The Big Toe Part 2

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-"No, there's nothing here" Auggie complained as he talked to his mother on the phone.

-"I told you, I mean, the least you could have done was go to the store before you and Jeff left for the weekend" he held the house phone in one had as he searched the fridge and cabinets for food.

-"No! I'm not gonna call him 'dad', wh-"

-"Okay, I found a stew, I'm eating it" he put the phone on his shoulder, holding it between his face and shoulder as he picked up the pot, setting it on the kitchen counter.

-"The stew in the fridge?" he questioned as his mother told him she had not cooked a stew.

-"Yeah, well someone made it"

-"Yeah, I'll see you when you get back, love you"

-"Auggie! Pick Up!" Y/n's voice was heard from the walkie talkie.

-"Hey, I'm eating," he replied, dipping a spoon in the stew.


-"Y/n!" he laughed out, taking a bite of the stew.

-"Auggie! Do not eat anything! You're in the next story!" her voice sounded worried, but that was the least of Auggie's concerns as he was more worried about feeding his grumbling stomach.

-"Har-har, very funny"

-"Did Chuck put you up to this?" he asked looking out the window.

-"Auggie, this isn't a joke" Ramon said, his voice a bit panicked.

-"Okay, the story is writing itself now, I don't know how or why but it is"

-"I'll read it to you..."

-"A sound scared him, it was a voice, and it called out 'Who took my toe?'" Auggie looked around the house, keeping quiet to see if he could hear anything but nothing, no sound at all.

-"It's a corpse, looking for her missing toe"

-"Yeah, I know this story, my dad used to tell it to me" Auggie explained.

-"It used to scare me so much as a kid but- wait, am I supposed to hear someone say that, 'cause I'm not hearing anything"

-"Please Auggie! Just don't eat anything and be careful, I'm going over there"

-"No need, there's no one here,"

-"Are you sure, the book says 'the voice grew louder, 'Who took my toe?' it asked'"

-"I'm all alone, there's no voice" he told them, after looking around the house for a bit.

-"I'm gonna eat, there's nothing scarier than an empty stomach" he told them with a sigh and went back to eat the stew.

-"Auggie! Please pick up! Don't eat anything, I swear to God I'll kill you if you do" Y/n warned, her voice becoming a bit more angry than panicked.

-"Auggie! Auggie?" Ramon and Y/n's voices called out to him as he coughed and gagged after spitting out a toe.

-"D-Did you hear that?" he asked the two.

-"Hear what?"

-"Footsteps, and there was a literal toe in the stew! A FREAKING TOE!"

-"What does the book say happens next?" Auggie asked, cradling the walkie-talkie in his hands as he sat crouched down behind the kitchen counter.

-"August got very scared, but he thought 'It doesn't know where I am, It'll never find me'"

-"H-How does the book know t-that?"

-"And then, he heard the voice again "wh-""

-"" a voice, one that Auggie did not recognize whispered softly, sending shivers down his spine.


I'm so excited for Halloween tomorrow! It's super annoying that I have school though, like it's a holiday shouldn't we have the day off?

I might not be able to post tomorrow till very late so I'm gonna post three chapters!

I hope you liked this one!


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