Harold Part 3

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Tommy continued his walking, his once feeling of drunkenness was washing away slowly, being replaced with fear. His heartbeat was a mess, beating faster and faster as little sounds like crows cawing and the corn stalks swaying gave him a fright.

As he walked the feeling of being followed lingered, only adding the list of fears and extreme paranoia he was having. He stopped walking when he heard a rustling sound coming from the stalks. He wanted to turn to see what it was, but at the same time feared it, knowing that whatever it was, was up to no good.

Slowly he turned his head and to his relief there was nothing. He let go of a breath he had not realized he was holding, but the small relief was not enough, he had a feeling in his stomach telling him something was wrong. It was like a knot, as if his intestines were being twisted and tied up.

He brushed it off as best he could and turned around, only to stumble into the ground from a small heart attack. Harold was there, and although he couldn't smile or laugh, Tommy could sense the satisfied smirk he must have had on his face.

He stared at the scarecrow, almost wanting to laugh for being scared of something that couldn't hurt him. Or at least that's what he thought before...before Harold tilted his head to the side, stretching out his 'limbs'. He moved around his gloved hands, and bent his legs a bit, little creaking sounds following every movement.

As Harold took a step forward, Tommy got up and ran. He rubbed his eyes and turned back, just to make sure he wasn't hallucinating or something. But no, he wasn't, Harold was really there and getting closer as he took his small steps.

Harold seemed to get faster, even though he was taking small slow steps. And Tommy, as much or as fast as he ran couldn't seem to find a way to go any faster. What he did find was a rake, one that he had tripped on. He got up as fast as he could, and just as he did he plunged the rake into Harold, who had surprisingly made his way towards hi. already.

Harold's hands lifted up to the rake and he began to pull it out of himself. Tommy turned to run but was stopped when the rake was plunged into his stomach. He still walked forward, trying to make it to his house but found it hard as he could not take in any air.

He felt his lungs and stomach being blocked, being filled with something which he found out was straw after he began to cough it out of his mouth. He continued to gasp for air as he stumbled around, trying to get out of the fields trying to go to his mom. But he couldn't walk anymore, his hands and feet were being stuffed with straw, he fell onto the ground, coughing and groaning out in pain as he tried his best to spit out the straw.


I hope you guys liked the chapter!


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