Tommy Scarecrow

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-"I don't know, I'm just worried," I told Ramon as we walked over to Tommy's house.

-"His name was in the book, he didn't show up to school" I had told him the story, he seemed kinda in between Chuck's reaction and Auggie's.

-"I mean there's no way it could be true...right?" he shrugged.

-"Y/n, I can't get mixed up with the police," he told me, standing behind me.

-"You don't have to come, but I have to see it," I told him, patting his shoulder and starting to walk away.

-"Fine!" he mumbled following after me through the corn maze.

I felt my heart drop as I saw Harold the scarecrow dressed in Tommy's clothes. No way could this be him...could it? The story had his name, this scarecrow in his clothes was more evidence besides the fresh ink that had appeared last night.


-"I-It's what Tommy was wearing last night"

-"What if that's Tommy..."

-"Stop trying to scare me, it's just a scarecrow" he chuckled.

-"Let's hope so"

-Back to the Bellows House-

After the trip to go see Tommy...or the scarecrow I said goodbye to Ramon and walked over to Sarah's house to return the book. Maybe Auggie was right, maybe I had let my imagination run wild because of halloween.

I walked down the stairs and into her room, putting the book back in the place I had found it. I took one last look at the room before leaving. I rode my bike home, a bit surprised to see dad home.

-"You're home late" dad leaned against his car. 

-"You're home early" he chuckled at my reply.

-"I came home to tell you I'm leaving for a few days, got a job a few towns down" I nodded, fully knowing it was something dad would do from time to time because of work.

-"And you're late because?"

-"I stayed a bit behind talking to some friends," he nodded to my reply.

-"I left an envelope with cash for the week on the table, I want you home by curfe-"

-"I know the rules, are you leaving now?"


-"Did you eat?"

-"Yes, I ate"

-"I'll see you sunday then?" I walked over to him, giving him a hug.

-"I love you, sweetheart"

-"I do too, dad" a few more seconds of hugging before we both let go.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and waved goodbye as his car left the driveway. It was something I maybe should have gotten used to by now, having dad leave on business trips. But it wasn't something I could do, I barely saw him, and the times he was home he was quiet. I think it has to do with mom leaving, maybe working so much distracts him or something.

I can't say I'm any better with taking in on mom's sudden leave, but I tried my best. I walked back to the house, setting my bag in my room and taking a random comic from the shelf to read. After a few hours I walked to the kitchen to see what I could cook.


I hope you guys liked the chapter!

Only a few days left for halloween! Yay!


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