The Big Toe Part 3

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Knowing that the voice he heard came from inside the house and not the walkie-talkie, Auggie sprinted to his room. He locked himself inside, almost unable to because of the vicious shaking of his hands.

He put his ear to the door, hoping to hear nothing or maybe even Chuck's laughter. Yeah, Chuck's laughter would be great, that way they could all laugh it off later. But he was more than wrong.

There was no laughter or silence, he heard the voice call out once more. '' it asked. He ran to his closet, hiding there for a bit before crawling under the bed. Y/n and Ramon were no longer speaking so he could hope for the best and assume they were making their way to him.

He tried to stay as quiet as possible, trying to calm down his over-beating heart and loud, shaky breaths. Once he sort of had, he listened to see if the corpse was walking near the room he had locked himself in. He heard nothing, he stayed there for a bit before slowly crawling out from under the bed.

He peeked to the top of his bed, half of his body still under it just in case he needed immediate hiding. There was nothing, he sighed in relief before he was dragged under the bed. The back of his head hurt as it had slammed on the floor.

A corpse appeared out of the end of the bed, near the wall and began to drag him into it. He yelled, calling out to Y/n and Ramon, who were only a street away from him. But it was no use, he tried scratching and clinging onto the floorboards as he was dragged. But that hadn't helped either, all it had done was leave small indents into the flooring. This being the only evidence left that showed that he had been there.

-Inches from the Door-


Ramon and I had rushed out of the house after Auggie said he had heard a voice. We only had to run a few blocks to reach his house, we ran as fast as we could, hoping we were fast enough to go help him in time. The door was fortunately left unlocked so I slammed it open searching every room of the house and calling out his name.

-"AUGGIE!" I yelled, checking the backyard.

I looked through the kitchen, hoping he had hid in the fridge or in some cabinet. He wasn't there, only the pot of stew, scattered onto the floor with what looked like eyeballs and worms in the middle of it.

-"I checked the closets and other rooms, only that one is left" he pointed at Auggie's room.

He wasn't there either, we emptied out the whole closet, looked in the bathroom, and anywhere else but he was gone. The bed, that was all that was left. We moved it and the only thing left to prove that he was once here was the indent of scratches left all over the flooring.

-"No..." a knot was in my throat not letting me say anything, much less cry. 

I sat on the bed thinking not knowing what else I could do since one of my best-est friend was now gone. I had no idea why or how he was gone, but one thing was for certain, which I had made my mind up about. Auggie's disappearance was my, and only my fault.


I hope you guys liked the chapter...I feel like this is kinda rude to say. It sounds like I'm saying I hope you liked your friend disappearing. 

Oh, well, I'll post the next chapter after this.


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