Research Part 2

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-"This is why I don't read books!" Chuck yelled as he jumped up and down on the book, in attempts to destroy it.

-"Okay, we know we can't burn the book..."

-"We should do research, maybe we can find something that can help" I suggested and the two nodded in reply. With that said we walked over to the library, but first making a quick stop to get burgers, milkshakes and fries.

We spent the next half hour looking at old newspapers, magazines, photographs, anything that had the word 'Bellows' in it. Chuck was in charge of looking at old newspapers, Ramon did records (vital and hospital) and I did whatever else we could find.

I hadn't found much in the pile of stuff I had, so I read the stories from the book. Writing down any names that came up, so far I had...Ellen, Sam, Joseph...

-"Listen to this" I turned to face Chuck.

-"After Sarah hung herself, the bellows family fired Sylvie Baptiste..."

-"As she and her daughter Lulu, were thought to have been responsible of teaching her black magic"

-"If it's in the paper, it has to be true...right?" I turned my chair back around to my work, rolling my eyes at Chuck's comment.

-"I'll take that as a no then?"

-"What year did she hang herself?"

-"Umm...1898, I think" I replied, walking over to Ramon's side.

-"In just one year, all of her family members left..."

-"What do you expect? I mean, who wants to stick around with the name that's synonymous to murdering children?" Chuck commented.

-"Not left, I mean gone, like as in off the face of the earth"

-"Take their father, Deodat"

-"The cat owned a paper mill, and yet he leaves it without ever selling it?"

-"No stories written about him, not even a letter, he just disappears"

-"Deodat...?" I looked through the papers I had on my side, looking around through all the sticky notes and marked pages, I found the name in Sarah's story book.

-"Give me another name, will you?" I told him and he nodded.

-"One of their son's Ephraim, Ephraim Bellows"

-"They didn't leave town, she wrote a story for each of them" I told them.


-"Give me another na-" I stopped, flinching when the pages turned on their own and a new title was written.

-"Oh, no, no, no, no" I knew it wouldn't work but I did it anyways, I tried ripping the pages out but it haden't changed a thing.

-"She's writing another story" the two stood up from where they were, rushing over to me.

-"The Red Spot?" Chuck read aloud as we stared at him.

-"W-why are you looking at me?" he followed our gaze to see that his shirt was stained with a red spot.

-"Oh, shit! Oh, shit! It's me, isn't it?!" he started to panic.

-"I don't want to die!" I looked over at the book, and began to read what was being written.

-"One night, a spider walked across a young girl's cheek and bit her"

-"Spider?! I was the spider man, I-I...wait, young girl?" we looked down at the book as it wrote Ruth's name.

-"It's not you, it's your sister," Ramon told him.

-"Ruthie?" Chuck panicked a bit more.

-"Let's go!" we all rushed out of the library to the school.


Hi! I hope you had a very nice Halloween, and those who didn't there's Thanksgiving on it's way, hopefully that's better.

Por los que lo celebran, espero que disfruten el Día de los Muertos, hoy y mañana! 

Bye! Adios!

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