Draft Dodger

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-"Y/n?" my dad's voice called out from the phone I was using.


-"Are you okay? I'll be home in a few day-"

-"I-I'm scared dad, I'm scared I'm gonna die" I whispered, holding in my sobs.

-"Aw, sweetie, don't say that"

-"I'm here for you, just tell me what's wrong, I can fix it"

-"I'm so sorry, but you can't do anything about it"

-"No, there's always something I can do, let me at least try"

-"I don't care what it is, just let me help you, please"

-"I-I...if I go missing, and you can't find me..."

-"I-I didn't leave you, I promise, I would never do that to you"

-"What? Y/n? Sweetheart? No, you'll be okay, let dad help you...please" I could hear him crying from the phone.

-"Is there someone there with you? Please, I'll do anything, let me help you!"

-"I-I have to go, but I love you dad, so much..."

-"No! Y/n don't lea-" I hung up the phone, wiping away the tears that I had on my cheeks.

-"So? Is your dad gonna pick you up?" the police officer asked.


-"Oh, Y/n, what's going on? I need answers from you right now"

-"We told you everything we know, I don't know what else to tell you" I told him, a bit frustrated and angry that my time on this earth could be almost up and this man wouldn't believe what we were saying.

-"What about my call?" Ramon asked, taking hold of my hand giving it an assuring squeeze so I'd stop fidgeting with my sleeve.

-"Rules don't apply to draft dodgers" I turned to look over at Ramon.

-"You think I wouldn't find out?" the officer asked, smiling to himself a bit.

-"Ramon Morales...your going to do your duty to this country, one way or another"

-"I can help you, if you tell us about your missing friends"

-"We told you everything we know" he mumbled.

-"Oh, yeah! Sarah Bellows's book"

-"Stories write themselves and they all come to life," he chuckled.

-"I know it's hard to believe, trust me he didn't believe me either, but it's the truth, you won't be able to find bodies or evidence, the only evidence you'll ever find, is in that book"

-"Come on Y/n, you can do so much better than this draft dodger..."

-"Let's go to the backroom, 'discuss' a few things and you and your friend can be let go" he smiled, looking at me up and down.

-"Disgusting pervert" I mumbled, which got me dragged off to a cell alongside Ramon.

-"I'll be here all night...if you change your mind"

-"Maybe a few hours behind bars will loosen you up" he laughed.

-"Disgusting bast-" Ramon was cut off.

-"Don't you finish that sentence, I'll make your life a living hell if you do, draft dodger"

-"Goodnight, lovebirds" with that said he left, I sat on the bench in the cell, hugging my legs.

-"I know I should have told you" I turned over to Ramon, who had his head leaning against the bars that separated the two of our cells.


A few chapters left! As alway's I'll need a few days to settle and catch up on writing but the next story released is either Tarzan or Sleeping Beauty, I don't remember but it's one of those. 

Currently I'm writing the Alice in Wonderland 2, but after that I think I'll writePirates of the Caribbean or something, we'll see.


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