Bathroom Part 2

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This chapter contains mentions of self harm, if you're sensitive about it you've been warned.


I had cut my wrists again, cutting a bit deeper this time and going up my forearm. My head was hurting but not as much as before. I guess my body had figured out what I was doing and hadn't tried to put up a fight, since it didn't work last time.

I had my hands over the sink, watching as the crimson red liquid fell into the sink. It really was a pretty color, too bad you could only see it at bad times. I giggled at myself thinking Sarah was out there pricking her finger to write stories, hurting her fingers as she poked it. And here I was, letting the precious writing ink fall down the drain. I'm going insane, I thought, thinking how could a person laugh about hurting themselves.

I almost wanted to store it somewhere, maybe she could use it to write the ending. With me dead there wasn't anyone for her to torment since the person that had asked for a story had received two and died. I wonder if that's how it worked, would the person who asked for the story need to be alive for her to continue?

-POV Change-


After Y/n had rushed to the bathroom, Ramon walked to the kitchen, looking to see what he could cook for the two to eat. He wasn't the best cook, but he could cook a thing or two.

After taking out ingredients to make pasta, which he found an abundance of in the pantry. He walked to the bathroom, knocking on the door to make sure Y/n was okay, since she hadn't come out since a while ago.

-"Y/n?" he tapped on the door, waiting for a response, but there was none.

He called her name out a few more times, then told her that if she didn't answer in 3 he'd open the door. He counted to five, and reached for the door knob only to find it was not locked. He slowly opened it, calling her name out once more before running to her as he saw her still body laying in the middle of the floor.

He hoped that she was only unconscious, and that the red liquid all over the floor was hair dye or something. But he knew better, especially after seeing all the cuts she had all over her wrists and arms. He lifted her up, carrying her small body to the living room and gently setting her on the couch.

Panicking a bit, he called the only other person he knew, who he hoped knew what to do in these types of situations.

A few seconds later Chuck arrived, slamming the front door open, rushing over to Ramon who was cleaning up and wrapping her wrists up as best as he could. With a few mumble of colorful words Chuck helped him out, doing the same thing he had done the first time. Only hoping that the cuts she had made weren't as deep as they appeared to be.

-"H-Has she done this before?" Ramon asked, looking over at Chuck who paced around the living room after they had finished cleaning up her arms.

-"Yes" was all he said, not even bothering to look at him as he was too busy pacing the living room, same as he had done the first time.

-"W-will she wake up?"

-"I...I don't know, she did the first time but they weren't this deep"

-"Should we call an ambulance?"

-"Already did, they gave the same response" Ramon looked at him, waiting for him to continue. 

-"Said it wasn't an emergency and that we should stop goofing around, they thought I was lying" 

-"What do we do?" 

-"You wait, and see if she wakes up, there's nothing else we can do, the hospitals too far and we both don't have cars, bus isn't running either"

-"We should check on her, maybe she did-"

-"No, if you keep checking on her it'll drive you insane, why do you think I told you to carry her to her room?"

-"I have to go, my mom doesn't let me be out too late anymore because of what happened to Ruth"

-"Take care of her, please" Ramon nodded, waving goodbye.


I know there is many things wrong with this chapter, but it;'s the best i could do to have to story flow, if I did have Y/n go to the hospital she'd be there and be kept there and the story wouldn't flow so pretend that this makes some sort of sense.


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