Harold Part 2

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I remembered what Auggie had said earlier, saying how Sarah would write her stories in kids blood. It looked like it, all the stories I had read before were a brown-ish colored ink. I returned to the 'new' story and passed my finger on the title, which smudged the red ink.

-POV Change-


Dogs barked in the distance as Tommy's car rolled into the farm's driveway. He got down from the car, walking all wobbly and almost tripping twice. He walked to his house, a house that was surrounded by vast fields of corn.

-"Tommy Milner!" his mother yelled, getting out of the house.

-"It's late! Are you drunk again?!"

-"I-It's halloween" he replied, wobbling to the house.

-"You were supposed to deliver eggs to the Wolverton's!" 

-"Now?" Tommy asked.

-"NOW!" she yelled and slammed the house door shut.

After kicking a few chickens and picking up the eggs, he made his way to the Wolverton's house. He walked to the corn fields, taking the right twists and turns and passing Harold the scarecrow.

-POV Change-


-"Tommy hated that scarecrow all his life" I read, taking a bite of my candy bar.

-"After taking the eggs, he walked to the fields for the last time"

-"Tommy..." I thought it was weird that Sarah's stories had a Tommy in it just like we had in real life. But knowing that Tommy was a kind of popular name I shrugged it off.

-POV Change-


-"Eat shit, Harold," Tommy said, giving Harold a kick before walking off to deliver the eggs.

As he walked a strange feeling of someone watching him lingered, but the few times it had bothered him enough to turn around there was nothing there. He summed it up as a side effect, it happened, people got more paranoid after drinking way too many beers.

He walked until he was back to where Harold stood. He knew he was drunk but not that much. He had been living here his whole life. How could he not remember the way out?

Once again he continued walking, the feeling that someone was watching him had changed. He now felt someone following him...which creeped him out even more. He he ended up stumbling back to where Harold was. Except now he felt confused for two reasons, one he was back where Harold was, and two Harold was not there anymore.

The post where Harold was supposed to be hung on was empty. The stalks of corn shook loudly as the wind rushed through them, making an almost terrifying sound. Tommy felt his head hurting, feeling dizzy, sick, and very much confused.

But once again he continued on his way, walking, to hopefully this time end up somewhere where Harold or the empty post wasn't.


I hope you guys liked the chapter!

Who do you think is more scary, the White Lady or Harold?


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