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Huang Jingyu put on a smile as friendly as possible, he knew the young man hated him

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Huang Jingyu put on a smile as friendly as possible, he knew the young man hated him. But now he must be able to play a role in front of a powerful leader.

The appearance of Vardy changed the previous topic and changed the emotions that had arisen in Mr. Han Zhi. His black eyes glanced at Vardy and nodded slightly as the young man nodded politely at him with a soft greeting.


"Hmm, are you alone? You happen to be here. Introduce, he's young master Huang Jingyu," Mr. Han Zhi spread one hand.

The glint of anger in Vardy's eyes intensified when he saw Huang Jingyu get up and extend a hand.

“Young master Vardy, nice to meet you.”

Huang Jingyu's friendly voice did not make Vardy willingly accept a helping hand. He just remained silent without any intention of welcoming the handshake that hung in front of him.

"He's a guest here, don't be disrespectful."

Vardy clenched his jaw at Mr. Han Zhi. With restraint he finally shook the palm that was so smooth and soft. It was obvious that the young master had never done any menial work, or maybe even just relaxing drinking coffee and gossiping.

Hastily withdrawing his hand again, Vardy could only faintly mumble, his eyes rolling in boredom as Huang Jingyu returned to smile and greet.

“Nice to meet you, Young Master Vardy. I hope we can become friends.”

Impossible.. Just keep hoping..

But Vardy again could only mutter in response to Huang Jingyu's words.

Realizing the tension of the two young men in front of him, Mr. Han Zhi only suppressed a smile. Slightly leaning forward, his hand now reaches for the cup on the table. Enjoy the liquid for a moment while holding the placemat in his left hand.

“Vardy is a reliable person. If in this city young master Huang needs anything, you can look for it. He takes care of everything here. He can also give you a sense of security. Isn't that right, Vardy?"  meaningful glances from Mr. Han Zhi focused on Vardy who let out a faint snort.

Huang Jingyu's smile grew wider as he watched the drama that was presented to him. Head shook and slightly lowered his gaze downwards, he decided to leave that place. Moreover, he has a purpose to visit one other place.

"It seems I've been very annoying, Mr. Han Zhi. Luckily, I have other things to do. It is with a heavy heart that I have to leave here.”

“There is no need to hesitate, Young Master Huang. You are free here, even our door will always be open for you.”

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 (𝓔𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓥𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷) [𝐄𝐧𝐝]Where stories live. Discover now