Chapter_thirty one

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The crashing of the waves in the morning accompanied Zhang Bin's footsteps entering the glass doors of Autumn Cafe

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The crashing of the waves in the morning accompanied Zhang Bin's footsteps entering the glass doors of Autumn Cafe. The cafe was empty, no one was there. The owner not visible anywhere.

“He was very careless.  Don't lock the door when he left." Zhang Bin swept a glance.  Observing the entire room, walking slowly past several sets of tables and chairs.  Touching every side of the wall, paying attention to the hanging paintings and lamps. Approaching the stairs at the side of the room, a slight frown formed. The balustrade is very unique. For some reason he felt he had seen carvings like that.

His steps are now approaching the bar counter, observing the neatly arranged equipment. Unfolding a page from the notebook behind the bar counter. Saw some pretty neat writing for a student. Feeling that there was nothing strange about the note, Zhang Bin came out from behind the bar counter. Back to feeling each side of the table until the carving protrudes on the front side of the table. He squatted down, feeling the carvings in the form of intricately braided leaves. He just noticed the carving.

“Deputy Zhang, it seems you have no intention of enjoying coffee here.”

Zhang Bin simultaneously turned to hear a deep voice saying hello. He stood up, turned his head toward the stairs where the voice had been heard.

Wang Yibo stood at the bottom two steps.  His face was without a smile at all, looking intently at the figure of a young policeman who came in the morning with suspicious gestures.

“What do you gain by investigating my place?” His lips moved in a question.

The young policeman smiled crookedly.  Put one hand in the trouser pocket. He stepped back from the bar table, his eyes saw more clearly the carved leaves that decorated the side of the bar table. His memory recalled where he had seen similar carvings before.

“You hide very well, Young Master Wang.  No one knows if a cafe owner on the beach is a person who actually has everything in this city. I salute you,” he said those words casually.

Wang Yibo's pair of black eyes flashed for a moment. But he remained in his calm demeanor, walked over and stood leaning his side against the bar counter.

“Coming here and acting suspicious, you're also saying nonsense. It seems deputy Zhang is getting too personal in this matter,” he replied without taking his eyes off Zhang Bin's figure.

“I have proof that you are actually Wang Yuzi's descendant. You are the one who rules and controls all possessions. You're a real dangerous figure, Wang Yibo.”

"Oh yes?" The corners of the young man's lips turned up sarcastically. “What evidence do you have? And even if you had proof, what would you do? Catch me?"

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 (𝓔𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓥𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷) [𝐄𝐧𝐝]Where stories live. Discover now