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___ Happy Reading ___

Standing with his waist against the body of Wang Yibo's black McLaren car, Zhang Bin's chuckle came out of his tongue again

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Standing with his waist against the body of Wang Yibo's black McLaren car, Zhang Bin's chuckle came out of his tongue again. The sports car was extraordinarily luxurious, the body was very elegant and clearly had a purchasing value that was beyond his reach.

"So Sean can enjoy everything belong to that young man? No wonder he let go of me," he muttered half angrily.

“You think Sean can be bought by things?” A disapproving tone returned his half-grumbled mumble.

Zhang Bin turned around, finding Wang Yibo now standing near the hood of the car.  His eyes rolled bored.

"I want to talk to you," his tone contained an irrefutable request.

“I also want to discuss something. Come in, we'll talk inside," Yibo pressed the remote and opened the car door after Zhang Bin shifted to the side.

The young policeman slipped along and sat comfortably in the passenger seat, watching the young master turn on the engine which was so smooth and cool that it immediately hit his body. Secretly he admired the car's extraordinary interior.

“Before speaking, I remind you, Sean is not someone who can be bought.  He chose me because he and I love each other.  Remember that."

Wang Yibo's words made Zhang Bin nod in resignation. He admitted that what the young man said was true and he had no other words to refute it.

"What do you want to talk about waiting for me here?" Yibo spoke again.

With a sharp glance, Zhang Bin handed a green folder to the young man. He observed Wang Yibo's expression when the young man opened the folder and read the writing on the paper. As he expected, the young man just kept a straight face, a faint smile forming on his lips.

"So you're going to catch me?" The question had a casual tone as if asking something about eating.

“You are a high class criminal. Committed many crimes indiscriminately. Disrupting the peace of society and certain parties.  Breaking balance, causing riots, and disrupting the stability of city government."

The series of indictments mentioned by Zhang Bin filled Wang Yibo's ears. The young man closed the folder again, placing it near the gear.

“I accept your accusation. Come on, take me," Yibo thrust his hands in front of Zhang Bin, forming a surrender gesture.

"You?!" Zhang Bin's eyes flashed angrily. He really wanted to arrest and imprison the young man, but all require procedures. Actions that are not based on certainty will only turn against him, especially in the face of big people who easily manipulate the law.

Smiling casually, Yibo changed his position back to the front.

“I know you can't do it, Deputy Zhang.  Besides you having no real evidence, you also think about Sean. Am I right?"

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 (𝓔𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓥𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷) [𝐄𝐧𝐝]Where stories live. Discover now