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Chapter 1


I slam my hand onto my alarm without even opening my eyes. I hope I woke the rest of the house with that alarm, maybe mom will allow me to ditch the alarm if it happens to often. That way I'll at least have an excuse for being late at school... again. I inhale deeply and push myself up, slowly opening my eyes. With my eyes on my alarm I watch the zero go to a one and feel the satisfaction of the lack of sound. With a smile I lower myself back in my bed and close my eyes again.

Just as I found my comfortable spot in bed again the memory of what happened last time when I skipped school. I let out a sigh and push myself up again, don't want that happening again. After sending my alarm another glare I push myself into action. School may not be the most fun, but anything better than foster care. At least if mom was being serious about ditching me. I have my doubts about her actually doing that, but better not to take any chances.

A glance on my phone has me smiling, just a little less then a year left and no one will be able to force me to school anymore. This cheers me up considerably to the point that I actually whistle while I start preparing for my morning routine.

It'll be another boring day at school though. I massage the soreness out of my muscles as the warm water runs over it. Maybe I really did over do it on the push-ups, sit-ups and squads today. Then again the feeling it gives isn't all that bad either. As I step out of the shower I take a look at myself in the mirror. A smirk forms on my lips to see how my body has developed since I started doing a workout every morning. It may only take a few minutes of my time every day, but it does wonders for my body.

"Done getting horny over your own body?" June-May teases through our mind link.

"Like you never admire your own body." I shoot back making her laugh. I feel her focusing on my mind as she peeks along with my eyes.

"Okay, I admit you really do look good. At least compared to how you used to be." With that June-May pulls back from my mind and I can sense the lingering thought of how she shouldn't have done that.

With an eye roll I shake my head and continue dressing myself. With my sleepiness returning I step into the kitchen and see June-May sitting at the dining table eating a croissant with a cup of coffee and her text books open.

"Morning." June-May look sup at me and raises her eyebrow.

'Good morning.' She replies emphasizing on the speaking part. I shake my head and continue on to the coffee-machine. 'Did you sleep well?'

"No." I can feel June-May's annoyance break through from my lack of actually talking to her with my mouth.

'Stop using our mind like when we're right next to each other!' She snaps when she realizes her annoyance is already breaking through to me.

"Piss off June." As I sit down June-May kicks me against my shin, eyes narrowed. 'Au, for fucks sake! Why'd you do that?!' With a smug smile she simply shrugs and takes a sip from her coffee. In her mind I read how she tells herself to kick me more often when I don't talk with my mouth.

'Don't give me that look. You know mom will freak out when she realizes we're still using our mind link. It did take us a couple of years to convince her that we were able to turn our mind link off, remember that? Or would you rather go through the whole medical and science stuff again to figure out what's wrong with us again?' With a flinch I swallow my comment again. 'Didn't think so.' Her smile of victory followed by a wink has me squeeze my cup so hard I see June-May's eyes go to my cup. 'You'll break it like that.'

'Piss off June! You're not our mother.' With a short laugh June-May crosses her arms over her chest.

'One of us needs to be the responsible one. You're definitely not fit for that roll, never have, never will.' I close my eyes to try and force June-May's emotions from my mind and heart.

'June, you're this close to crossing that line again.' My eye snap open and I see her taking a deep breath and feel how she too tries to calm down her own emotions.

'I'm just saying Adrian, that it's because of you that mom freaked out last time. You're the one that started screaming to yourself because of that argument we had, while I was on the other side of town.' Again I feel my muscles tense. It was her fault we started the argument... 'Don't give me that look, you participated to that argument as much as I did.'

'June... just get the fuck out of my hair! Mom and dad aren't here right now, so what are you bitching about?' June-May raises an eyebrow waiting for me to answer my own question. 'Just because I made that mistake once, doesn't mean I'm gonna do it again! Now for the last time, piss off!'

'It's because you never talk to me with your mouth that you start making mistakes! You're not used to talk to me when we're right next to each other. What will you do if mom figures out we're unable to break our mental connection? Or maybe you'd prefer mom to know we're sharing everything with each other, without having a choice in doing so?! I bet mom would love to hear how you're able to see all the other girls at school while they're changing into their gymnastic clothing. Or how you're able to see me naked as well.' I slam my first hard on the table, muscles trembling. 'What Adrian? What?! Go ahead say it!' June-May shoots up from her chair, knocking the chair over.

Staring straight into June-May's eyes I try to force the words out of my mouth... nothing. I know she's right, at least to a certain point. I know mom would freak out, I even know I'm partially to blame for what happened that day, but still...

'I'm going to school!' I snatch my bag from the ground and turn to leave.

'Eat your fucking dinner, you're gonna get hungry again!' Without saying a word I simply flip June-May the finger with my back turned to her. "And don't slam with the doors!" She ads after I slammed the front door shut.

"Shut up!" I quicken my pace as I read the lingering thought of June-May going after me to drag me back. Before June-May can make up her mind she realizes I'm already to far ahead for her to actually try and drag me back. Though she doesn't actually say anything, I'm still able to read the annoyance in her mind that she didn't decide to drag me back home sooner.

While I walk to school the thoughts of June-May and myself slowly start to mix. Can I really be angry with him? Maybe I should try to make her understand better. Then again, maybe he should stop being so childish. I wish my ability would only activate when I touch someone's skin, just like with June. What would it be like if I'd read everyone's mind within a set distance? What would it be like if I'd read minds, instead of emotions?

Slowly our thoughts start to merge and we both realize that no matter how hard we try, we'll never truly understand what either of us is going though. By the time this has happened I snap out of my thoughts and see myself standing in front of the school gates. Like always I'm standing far enough from the gates that I can't feel the huge amount of emotions yet.

"Being a pussy again?" My eyes travel to the left and I see June-May wiggle her fingers at me.

"Never!" A smile forms on June-May's lips as she watches me walk towards the school gates. "Thanks June." For a moment the thoughts of how June-May started to push me over the edge to take the step onto the school grounds flash by in my head. We may fight a lot, but I wouldn't want to trade my twin sister for anyone else.

"Can I get that in black and white?" A smile forms on my lips just before the onslaught of emotions bombard my mind and heart. I take a sharp intake of air, my eyes close and I feel a headache starting to form as my brain is processing the information.Opening my eyes one of the popular girls of the school passes me by. The emotions of the guys around me almost has me reach out to touch her. I dig my nails in my palms and set up a quick pace to get to my locker. I need the weed that I left there if I want to survive this day at school.

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