Last time

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Chapter 8

Last time.

With a gasp I shoot up in my bed. Images of Samantha being beaten by her father linger in my mind while my eyes stay glued to my hands. Just a dream... Slowly I feel my heartbeat and breath take a normal rhythm again. Swallowing once I wipe my hand over my forehead and feel the damp of sweat. I close my eyes for a second, there was nothing I could do... I let out a sigh and get out of bed to take a shower.

'Bad dream?' June-May asks when I step into the living room.

'That would be an understatement.' I feel June-May probe for more information in my head after hearing my reply.

'Well thankfully it was only a dream. Will you walk with us today?' I simply shake my head and sit down with my coffee and sandwich. 'Suit yourself.' June-May gets up and with a: see you at school, leaves for school.

I have my eyes on the outside world from my usual spot in the class. Like some meditating lessons I try to let my thoughts go as soon as they pop up in my head. More than once does a thought capture my attention and I get drawn along with the thought until I catch myself drifting off my initial intention of not thinking. This intention gets destroyed in an instant when a way to familiar emotion enters my body.

'See I told you he'd be here.' I let out a deep sigh and close my eyes. Did they really have to look me up?

Unsure how I'm supposed to react right now I slowly turn to see Vanessa and her two friends walk over to me. I keep trying to fool myself that they're not here for me until they take the final step and stop right in front of me. I feel my mood drop along with a confusion as to why Vanessa is smiling at me like that.

'Can I help you?' With all my might I pray that Vanessa will say no, that she made a mistake and leaves again. Vanessa's starts to glow, her eyes grow big along with the radiant smile. She takes a quick look around, when her eyes turn back to me a frown forms on her forehead.

'Why do you sit here all alone?' For a moment I wonder if she's just playing me, that moment soon disappears when I can read and see the seriousness in her.

'Please tell me you're just joking.' Vanessa shakes her head with a look that seems to question my sanity instead of her own. 'You do realize who you're talking to right? We've been attending the same school ever since we were legally forced to school. We've been in the same class more than once even, and you still need to ask me why I sit alone? Now I'm sorry I'm going to be this blunt, but have you been sleeping under a rock for the past fourteen, almost fifteen years? That would be just about the only explanation I can think of as to why you don't know why I sit alone. Though I highly doubt that a girl like you has missed any of the rumors that go about the school and town about me and my sister.' Vanessa frowns and lowers her eyes to the ground for sometime. Please tell me she isn't this stupid, if she is I need to make an extra effort to stay away from her. At the same time I find myself at a genuine first time of wanting to know what goes around in Vanessa's brain. Though with such questions I highly doubt if she has a brain at all.

'Yes, of course I've heard the rumors. But they're still just rumors, besides, that doesn't mean you have to sit here all alone.' I hear June-May ask the same question as I'm thinking. What is this girl thinking? That people actually line up to be friends with the witch twins?

"Please tell me that for this one time you would have used your powers to figure out what the hell his girl is thinking." While I know June-May can't do anything right now, it would simply reassure me that June-May would at least be human enough to try and figure this one thing out, even if it is Vanessa.

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