Back to School

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Chapter 26

Back to school.

Yes mom, shes perfectly fine. I tell mom for the tenth time today. Vanessa and Samantha giggle a bit seeing my annoyed face. I make a move on the Go board in front of me. Vanessa and Samantha immediately start arguing about the move the two of them should make.

But she didnt come home yesterday. Mom tells me again as if I hadnt noticed myself yet. I let out a sigh and shake my head. Good god mom, I already explained to you what happened, more than once even Vanessa and Samantha look up at me again and suppress a laugh. Well at least someone is enjoying my torment.

Yes mom, I know. They fell asleep in Jasons car while they were parked at the beach watching the sun set. I told you already, more than once even. I even told you they were on their way home already. Should be here any minute now. Smiling I watch Samantha and Vanessa make a move thats actually quite good, especially considering its only the second game they play. Both of them seem to learn quite fast.

Mom steps out of the kitchen to look at me. As she opens her mouth to say something, we hear the front door open. Mom lets out a sigh of relief and walks towards the front door. Before she gets there June-May and Jason step into the living room.

Im home. June says just before she notices mom glaring at her. I told Jason to tell you where I was. She tells mom instantly jumping into the defense.

Did you at least use protection? Mom asks making me burst out in laughter.

Sorry, June I tried convincing her, she doesnt believe me. I tell June between laugher. Samantha and Vanessa also start laughing because I had told them this would happen before we went to bed yesterday. With a side way look I see mom glare at me. I already told you they didnt have sex. Not my fault you dont want to believe me. I told you they fell asleep watching the sun set.

Mom turns her attention to June-May. Its true! I watch June-Mays face turn red as she realizes mom still doesnt believe she didnt have sex. God what did I ever do to deserve this distrust from you mom?!

It has nothing to do with distrust young lady. It has everything to do with common sense. I know very well how todays youth is having sex at even a younger age then you currently are. Now you tell me again that Im wrong to assume you had sex with this boy. Im sure youre no stranger to such things. June-Mays eyes pop wide open as she realizes mom has been assuming shes had sex before.

What?! No, as a matter of fact, Im still a virgin if you must bring that up! Now can we stop talking about my sex life? I didnt want to call yesterday because I knew you would freak out because it was already getting late. So I made Adrian tell you for me, and if you must check up on me telling the truth. Call the police and ask for officer Jamison, hes the one that woke us up today. In fact hes probably expecting a call from you because I informed him you would probably do just that. God mom, you could show a little bit more trust in me. In case you forgot you raised me to be a decent young lady. I know Ive given you enough reason to worry about me, but Ive never lied to you! So thank you for ruining my mood, I was having an amazing day until a few minutes ago. June-May turns around and rushes off to her bedroom. I see Jason look from mom to June-May and back. I let out a sigh and get up.

Want a coffee? Just give her a minute, going up there right now will only damage your relationship with her. Trust me I know. I see Jason doubt my words which makes me sigh. Listen, I may not like you, Im not even trying to hide that fact. But June does like you, so Im trying to help you for her sake, not yours. June has never been away this long for a date before. In fact usually shed be home within a few minutes of the date starting. So I hope you realize that the date you had with June was special just for the fact that she went through with it all the way till the end. Now do you want that coffee or not? Jason nods and walks over to Vanessa to sit down beside her.

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