First Date

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Chapter 25

First date.

'Now be nice to each other.' Vanessa tells us again as we step out through the front door. Adrian doesn't say much with his mouth, but our mind link and his glare towards Jason makes me feel like punching him. Like he has anything to say about dating a fist class asshole. I'm accepting Vanessa, aren't I? Can't he at least pretend to be nice to Jason. We're not even a couple jet, this is just our first date.

'Sammy, be sure to slap some sense in that brother of mine.' I see Samantha look over my shoulder to my brother. She chuckles a little but does seem to get what I'm implying.

'Don't worry, we'll talk with him.' Samantha winks once and Vanessa urges us to continue on with the date.

Jason offers me his arm which I decide to accept so I won't be the start of a bad date. Thankfully Jason has long sleeves so I don't have to touch his skin directly. I'm not ready to start reading his mind yet. I want to get to know him without reading his mind first. Besides it's no secret that I'm hesitant in touching people, there are enough rumors at school that justify my aversion to touching people.

Jason guides me his car further down the road. When I realize what car he's driving I feel my amazement for Jason grow. 'You drive an Audi R8?' I turn my gaze to Jason who scratches the side of his face a little.

'Well yea, but I'm still paying my parents back for the part they payed. They agreed paying half of the car if I would pay them back.' I feel my mouth pop open. Just how much money does his family have?!

'And you work?' Jason opens the door for me and helps me take a seat in the car. Moments later he takes a seat in the drivers seat.

'Buckle up, and yes I work.' Jason fastens his own seatbelt. Blinking a few times I watch him looking at me only to realize belatedly that he's waiting for me to fasten my seatbelt too.

'Sorry.' I quickly fasten the seatbelt, only to feel a flair of embarrassment come over me. The belt sure is exposing my breasts, I hadn't thought about that when picking these clothing. Then again I hadn't expected him to have a car either. 'Wait, aren't you seventeen like the rest of us?' Jason laughs a little but shakes his head.

'No I had to do one class over a couple of years ago. I wasn't taking school as serious as I'm doing these days back then. So I'm eighteen, I turn nineteen this year.' Damn so he's older then man. I let my eyes go over Jason, only to feel my surprise at the realization that he isn't looking at my breasts.

'Where do you work?' Jason reaches over for his wallet on the dashboard. He takes out a card and shows it to me. I take in the card and for a moment I wonder what that card is supposed to tell me. Then I see the small letters of the name of the company. 'Wait you work there?! But you're the captain of the football team, why are you working at a company that specializes in cybersecurity?' Since when does Jason have that much brains in him? I never expected Jason actually be intelligent, he never really did cross me as such.

Jason turns his gaze to the road and starts the engine. 'I got a bit lucky getting that job to be honest. My uncle works there and he got me the job. I've always been interested in computers, but even for me this job came out of the blue. The pay is good though so I have no complaints.' I look away from Jason and feel like cursing. Damn rich kids always get all the good things in life.

I lean back into the seat and just try to focus on enjoying the comfort of the seat. I take another glace towards Jason and confirm he really isn't looking at my breasts... am I not attractive enough for him? Or maybe he just hasn't seen what the seatbelt does to expose my breasts, or at least the size and curves.

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