Regular day?

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Chapter 16

Regular day?

I inhale deeply as I stretch myself in bed. Slowly my mind returns to the land of the living. I turn onto my side, vaguely aware that I shouldn't be able to do that. It takes me a few minutes to remember why I shouldn't be able to turn onto my side. I force my eyes open, sit up right and look around.

I scratch the back of my head with a frown. Where are Samantha and Vanessa? I rub the back of my hands in my eyes with a yawn. I turn my eyes to Vanessa's alarm and see that I've slept for a couple of hours. While I haven't slept that long, I feel quite refreshed. I yawn again and throw the blankets off of me deciding to search for the girls.

Because I don't feel comfortable to just search in all the rooms, I decide to take a look in the living room and kitchen first. By the time I reach the bottom of the stairs I can already hear the giggling of Vanessa and Samantha. While scratching my belly I follow the sound of their giggling.

A nice smell of something baking in the oven makes me in hale deeply. What did those girls do while I was asleep? I quicken my step to figure out what those two have been up to. Once I reach the kitchen I lean against the door opening of the kitchen. With a chuckle I shake my head, what ever they've been doing the kitchen had to suffer for it. Flower, eggs and god knows what lies sprawled around the kitchen. Even Vanessa and Samantha have god knows what in their hair and on their clothing.

'Well you two clearly have been having fun. What in heavens name have you two been doing?' Both of them stop throwing ingredients at each other with a startle and turn their head to me. Both of them get a huge grin on their lips when they see it's me.

'Food fight.' Samantha shows the egg she has in her hands with a giggle.

'You two do realize that you'll be the ones cleaning this mess right?' Vanessa and Samantha turn to look at each other with a frown. When they turn to me I feel like I'm the idiot here.

'Of course not, that's why we hire people to clean for us.' They tell me at the same time. I let out a sigh and shake my head, rich girls... Do they realize how much work cleaning this mess is? This way they'll learn nothing... 'We did manage to make you a cake before the food fight though. I mean that had been the whole idea in the first place, but we ended up like this.' Vanessa spreads her arms to make me look around the kitchen again.

I can't help but feel happy that they did try to make me a cake even though both of them have zero experience with any sorts of cooking. I make my way to Vanessa, careful not to step into anything. I press a kiss on Vanessa's lips.

' Hmm, your lips taste even sweeter than usual.' I wink at Vanessa, causing her to blush. At the same time I feel Samantha grow a bit sad. I make my way over to Samantha, again careful not to step into anything and press a kiss on her cheek.

'Thank you both for baking me a cake. So how about the two of you get yourselves cleaned up now? The sugar and baking powder's everywhere, even in your hair.' Samantha and Vanessa giggle softly.

'Sure.' I turn to Vanessa with a frown thanks to the way Samantha just answered me. When I turn back to Samantha I see her smile a smile that unnerves me a little. Before I can do or say anything both Vanessa and Samantha grab two hands full of flower and throw it over me. Both of them burst out in laughter while I try to get the flower out of my eyes.

'Very funny girls.' This causes them to laugh even louder.

'My god, what happened here?!' Vanessa and Samantha instantly stop laughing and the three of us turn towards the kitchen door to see who just talked. I feel a bit of embarrassment to see Heather standing in the door opening, her eyes wide open.

Empathy (Finished)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя