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Chapter 20


The first thing I notice waking up, is the fact that I'm not lying on Adrian's chest. I know for a fact that Id id fall asleep on his chest. The second thing I notice is that I'm undoubtedly holding on to someone that's not Adrian. Also that the person I'm holding is also holding on to me. The scent coming from the person however is very relaxing, even though it's not the scent I'd expect to smell right now.

I force my brain to the land of the living and slowly open up my eyes. Who or what am I holding on to? Heat rushes to my cheeks while I start to smile at the realization that I'm lying on Samantha's chest. Feeling a bit selfish I close my eyes again and crawl a bit closer to Samantha. I'm already lying on her chest, might as well take advantage of that. It does cross my mind that I'll probably get a lot of troubles for loving a girl instead of a boy... but I really, really do love Samantha way more than just a friend.

Giggling a little bit I press myself tighter against Samantha's chest. Hmm she smells amazing! I feel Samantha stir underneath me, making me freeze. Samantha's hands tighten around me. Worried I just woke Samantha I look up to see if she has her eyes open. Samantha smiles down on me while blood rushes to my cheeks. Of course I had to wake her up.

'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.' Even though I tell Samantha I didn't mean to wake her up, I'm absolutely not sorry for burying my face in her chest. I could definitely get used to a girls chest like this... or at least if it's Samantha's chest that is.

'That's okay, did you have fun last night?' My eyes pop open wide and I realize I had completely forgotten Samantha last night. A deep shame over comes me and I'm no longer able to look Samantha in the eyes. Samantha giggles and presses me tightly against her. 'I'll take that as a yes.' She tells me bemused.

'I'm sorry.' I look up into Samantha's eyes. I can't be so disrespectful to not look her in the eyes right now. Samantha frowns back at me and genuinely doesn't seem to understand what I'm talking about.

'Sorry? What would you need to be sorry about?' More blood rushes to my cheeks. Of course she needs me to spell it out to her! Is she doing this just to embarrass me? The fact that she knows I was having sex with Adrian is bad enough!

'I mean about last night. I completely forgot about you.' I mumble against Samantha's chest, praying she doesn't hear me at all. Samantha starts to laugh... great she did hear.

'Don't be silly, you don't need to say sorry about that. I'd be rater surprised if you had thought about me at that point in time. It sounded like Adrian was pushing the right buttons. You make sexy moans by the way. But beside that, how did I end up in bed? I know for a fact that I fell asleep on the couch.' With my cheeks bright red I look up at Samantha. Of course she had to explicitly tell me she finds my moans sexy. I'm going to make her pay for that, now she's just purposely making me embarrassed.

'Well I'm sure Adrian has a part in that. I fell asleep on Adrian's chest, and I wake up on yours.' I try to force myself to say something that might embarrass Samantha. But the thought of saying it has me embarrassed instead.

'I see... well I don't mind waking up like this at all just so you know. I mean it's nice to wake up with Adrian's chest underneath me. But to wake up with you in my arms is a totally different kind of nice.' I avert my eyes from Samantha while joy fills my heart. So she does like waking up like this? Good because she's going to wake up like this more often if I have a say to that.

'I agree.' I whisper with a smile. Samantha's head pulls back a little, blinking a few times. Seeing Samantha look at me like that I feel my own need to have Samantha know I love her... and not just as a friend. 'Say Sammy?'

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