Did we break up?!

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Chapter 31

Did we break up?!

You did what? My head drops with a sigh. She already knows, she was there when it happened. Why she didnt stop me from kissing that girl well I guess I cant really put that on June-May.

Please dont make me say it out loud. I look up to see June-May staring at me in complete disbelief. Please dont give me that look, I feel bad enough about it already. June-May forces her eyes off me and bends forward to grab her cup of coffee from the coffee table. While she physically pretends to not care about it, her thoughts keep going over and over everything that happened last night.

A text message distracts June-May for a moment. After she reads the text message however I feel her emotions and thoughts turn to worry for me. Great so now Vanessas friends want to draw my blood too, at least Jason wants to do so. I let out a sigh, get up and decide to grab my drawing equipment and just be somewhere else.

You should talk to them. June-May tells me before I leave the living room.

And say what? I was so horny that I acted on impulse and kissed that other girl because she was hitting on me after seeing Sammy reject me? I see June-May flinch, giving me enough of an answer. Yea, my thoughts exactly. Head up to my room to grab my shoulder bag and leave without saying anything to mom or dad. June-May can tell them I left. Besides both of them dont need to worry about me like they always do.

I walk around for a long time until I finally get to the spot where I learned Samantha lived in the house Ive loved for so long. I take a seat behind the bushes again and take out my drawing equipment. Even still I cant manage to draw anything. Nothing seems right, no mater how much I try to correct the things I personally think are wrong with the drawing.

I put my equipment away again and take out my phone to play a game on it. I had installed an emulator not to long ago, allowing me to play some of the old games I used to play as a kid on my phone. While Im still not really able to enjoy the game all that much, its better then drawing, at least for the time being.

Thinking back to yesterday evening I feel my self get depressed. My mind loses focus on the game and I die quickly, making me sigh. Just why do I have to act on emotions so much? I know I feel other peoples emotions, I know I copy them but why do I always act on them too? Why cant I have more control over the emotions that I do feel? A tear rolls down my cheek as my mind starts spinning out of control. Many possibilities cross my mind, even the ones were we break up. Theyd have every right to break up with me

Would you please stop being so damned negative already?! June-May snaps through our mind link. I chuckle a little, only now realizing that shes trying to have a good time with Jason.

Sorry sis. I grab my things again and start on my way back home. Being out here isnt helping me either, so I might as well just be at home.

Because I take Vanessas words to heart, I havent spoken to Vanessa or Samantha in a week now. My days, miserable as I am, are filled to the brim. The moment I have nothing to do my mind spins out of control again. June-May appreciates my efforts to keep her from having to suffer with me, even though I can read from her mind that shes worried about me too.

So did you break up or something? I slam my locker shut with a bit more force then needed, turn around and find Amanda and Richard standing behind me. While Amanda tries to show concern, her emotions are way to happy to be concerned about anything.

I dont know Amanda, I havent spoken to them in a week. My eyes flicker to Richard, causing him to get nervous.

Amanda we really should be bringing this up. June Amanda sends Richard a daring look causing him to shut up immediately. Richard turns his gaze to me, notices my scowl and actually takes a step back.

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