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Chapter 32


With tears still stinging in my eyes I wipe away the mess that Mister Grant just made. Like always he makes me clean up his mess. And remember, I expect you to be at my place tomorrow. He tells me again as if discussing the weather. I simply nod, not trusting my voice to be able to speak evenly.

I throw the tissues away and walk back to Mister Grants desk to grab my backpack. As I close my hand around the strap of the backpack Mister Grants hand shoots out and grabs my wrist. My body instantly starts to tremble, is he going to hit me?

Be sure to wear something nice, got that? The people thatll be there payed good money, dont make your father or myself for that matter embarrassed by doing something or wearing something inappropriate. Do I make myself clear? As Mister Grant talks he squeezes harder on my wrist, drawing a soft whimper from my lips. Answer me. His face turns dark and I see his other hand reach for his belt.

Yes, I understand. Im barely able to tell him without crying.

Good, now get lost and dont even think about telling anyone about any of this. I dont have to remind you what happened to the other girl right? I shake my head. They made very clear what happened to the last girl that didnt do as they told. Im lucky its Mister Grant ordering me around, if it had been my father hed have punished me for not coming home for so long. I must have made him lose quite a bit of money, not even speaking about his own pleasure.

Mister Grant lets go with a push and turns back to his work as if nothing happened. Once I step out of the classroom tears finally start to stream down my face. I cant let Vanessa see me like this. I rush over to the bathroom, hiding in one of the stalls. Thankfully Im able to compose myself rather quickly these days. I redo my make up and head off to meet Vanessa and her friends at the sports field.

Vanessa sees me approach her and a broad smile forms on her lips. Unlike when Adrian was also part of our relationship, Vanessa steps away from her friends to wrap me in an embrace and kiss me lovingly on my lips. The kiss causes me to flinch as a sense of disgust goes over me. I dont deserve Vanessa, or Adrian for that mater.

Something wrong? Vanessa asks a slightly hurt at my reaction of the kiss.

Sorry, Ive just got bad breath. I lie smoothly, knowing fully well I dont have one. I just brushed my teeth for crying out loud! Im definitely not going to kiss Vanessa right after that happened. She doesnt need his disgusting germs on her perfect lips.

I see Vanessa sniff and pull up an eyebrow. Are you okay? You just brushed your teeth, I can smell it. You used your mouthwash, it has a nice mint smell. I avert my gaze from Vanessa, shit how do I react to this?

Im fine, I just feel like my breath is terrible. Vanessa giggles and gives me another kiss.

Silly girl. She loops her arms around mine and pulls me towards her friends. None of them seem to have a problem with our relationship. On the other hand Vanessa has been hanging out with her friends more after we broke up with Adrian. Then again Im sure she feels just as heart broken about it as I do.

In all honesty I really didnt want to break up with Adrian, but what else could we do? Everything we were hearing about him, and then we finally saw him kiss another girl. We didnt want to believe the rumors that went around school at first, but to actually see him kiss some random girl those rumors must hold some form of truth. If June-May and Adrian taught us something, its that some rumors hold some form of truth.

After a shot wile I see June-May walk over to the group, making Jason smile. He seems to show more affection towards June-May as of late too. The moment June-May sees the two of us, her happy smile disappears and gets replaced by a scowl. She has been making a real effort to ignore us as much as possible. Or well me, Vanessa and June-May never talked much to begin with.

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