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Chapter 4


Slowly my consciousness gets pulled back to reality. Somewhere through the thick mist of sleep, I come to the realization that it's Saturday, which means no school. I feel a smile form on my lips when added to that realization is the fact that the strange creature called "mom" hasn't bothered me to get out of bed either. With a deep intake of air I turn around in my bed and stretch myself lazily over my bed. It's nice to have a two person bed all for yourself.

A loud bang of a door snaps me out of my sleep. I shoot up into a siting position while my eyes are fixed on my bed room door. A few seconds pass and with a slight twitch the onslaught of June-May's thoughts rush through my brain.

Great she brought a guy over again. If it's one of those guys trying to get into her pants, I'm going make June pay for that. Blinking a few times I push myself out of my bed, stretch myself and get dressed. I massage the stiffness out of my neck as I sit down in my desk chair to continue with my drawing from last night.

A sigh leaves my lips from seeing all the flaws in my drawing. Why did I want to draw a flying dragon again? Or even better, why did I want it to fly over a forest? The forest looks like crap, the dragon at least looks like a dragon, but I can draw so much better than that.

"Don't be so damn pessimistic over your drawing, it's as amazing as always." June-May tells me by forcing her thoughts into my brain. Along with her thoughts however the thoughts of the guy she invited over flood my mind.

"Stop touching his skin!" I snap back through our mind link, causing a string of annoyance back from June-May.

"We're not going to have sex!" She snaps back after her annoyance has subsided a little. Hearing June-May say this I must admit to myself and June-May that she really rarely has any kind of sexual contact with anyone. Like me June-May has her own troubles with her ability. In her case it's always hearing what the other person says the moment they make skin contact.Slowly my mind settles down again. Before It's completely calm again I hear June-May and her visitor walk up the stairs. I close my eyes as the lust for June-May enters my body, which gets send from the guy. Added to those emotions are the thoughts of the guy.

"Let go of his hand for fuck's sake!" My eyes snap open and I see June-May send me a look that has a mixture of emotions in passing to her own room. Still though she doesn't let go of his hand. The fantasies the guy has when he sees they're entering June-May's room morph into my own thoughts of things I really don't want to think about doing with my own twin sister!

For some time I try to filter out the emotions and thoughts, no mater how futile the effort. I try to focus on their spoken words about some kind of band they both seem to be fan of. Disgust grows thick in my own body, which only gets enhanced as June-May's thoughts about how she doesn't like his hand on her butt enter my brain.

'Let go of me!' June-May snaps in full fury. My eyes snap open again, without even needing to think about it I grab my baseball bat, I get up so fast that I knock my chair over. 'No, stop I'm telling you to stop!' June-May snaps as she tries to push the guy off of her.

'Yo, buddy take a hike.' I simply say from June-May's door opening. Both of them freeze and his eyes snap to me with big eyes. Through June-May's ability I read his surprise, he thought they were alone.

'Who the fuck are you? Can't you see we're busy?' His brows pull together as his eyes narrow on me.

'Yea, and I'm telling you to take a fucking hike. So either you go willingly, or I'm going to help you a little.' I tap the baseball bat in my hand. Sweat breaks out on his forehead and his eyes twitch to June-May and back to me. 'Your call buddy, I give you ten seconds to make up your mind before I do it for you. You'd really help me out by staying though, I'm in need of some anger relieve, you'd be a perfect punching bag.'

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