First meeting

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Chapter 3

First meeting.

With a startle I shoot up in my bed. I turn to my alarm and try to remember setting it. "You didn't I did." June-May tells me through our link. While confused I turn off my alarm and try to remember anything after coming home yesterday. Did I sleep the rest of the day and night?!

Still dazed I dress myself, unable to bring myself to do my usual morning routine. June-May sits at her usual spot at the dining table drinking a cup of coffee. 'I figured you needed the sleep. Mom was quite worried to be honest.' June-May looks up and smiles. 'Want one?' Casually June-May pushes a tray with two croissants towards me.

'Thanks.' Giggling softly June-May turns her attention back to her phone.

With my mind still needing to start up I sip my coffee, which June-May has prepared for me as well, and slowly eat the croissant. How did I sleep that much? I haven't done that in ages! Vaguely I'm aware that June-May is enjoying my state of mind maybe a little bit to much. At the same time I'm to tired to even be bothered by it.

'Won't you walk with me and Amanda today?' Blinking a few times I shake my head a little and turn to June-May She raises a text book.

'Oh, right. Sure I'll walk along.' The smile on June-May's lips makes me smile a little bit as well.

On our way to school I hear Amanda talk about the new girl. I'm sure none of us has spoken to her yet, and still there's already a tone of rumors about the girl. While Amanda tells June-May about these rumors I can already read in June-May's mind that she's annoyed that Amanda believes all the rumors. Then again it might also just be because June-May and myself have a different look on rumors than most other people.

'I'm going straight to class.' I tell June-May cutting in mid sentence of Amanda.

'Oh, okay. Will we see you during the break?' Along with the question I feel Amanda's hope and expectation grow.

'Not sure yet.' I wave once and quickly leave just so Amanda can't start asking more questions.

With heavy eyes I make my way over to the usual spot I hold my break. From a distance I see it's one of those days that a lot of people are gathered around the spot I usually sit. With a sigh I wonder why I allowed June-May to talk me out of using weed. The day isn't even halfway over and I feel like I'm about to fall asleep. My eyes close on their own as a group of students pass me by.

Turning my eyes to the gymnasium I weight the risks of being caught and the chances of slipping past people unseen. Another group of students walk passed, effectively making my decision for me. I notice June-May watching me leave the schoolyard again. In our mind link she digs for where I'm going. Only when she figures out where I'm going do I feel the worry in her mind settle down.

Once in the gymnasium I pick out a basket ball and start to play a bit on my own. Though we barely play any basketball at school, it's always been a sport that I've loved playing. After a couple of throws I'm barely able to keep the ball from leaving my hands when a dark, heavy emotion filled with depression and sadness steps within my abilities range. I grab my bag on my way to the storage area and quickly hide behind the curtain.

With myself hidden in such a way that I can still see who's entering, I let out a sigh of relief when I see it's just a female student. I watch her as she makes her way over to the opposite wall of the storage room and sit down on one of the benches. Only when she's seated am I able to see her face and smile a genuine smile of happiness. I hadn't thought I'd run into her this fast, she's cute alright. Her facial expression though... it's nothing like how she really feels.

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