Bad day.

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Chapter 29

Bad day.

Sammy sure is taking long. Adrian looks up from his school books with raised eyebrows. Dont you think shes taking long?

Well yea, but she does have friends too you know. She did send us a text that she would be late. I let out a sigh and take another look at my phone. Well yea she did say she would be late, but I hadnt expected her to be this late. Only the sports teams are still at school, practicing for the upcoming matches.

Ill go look for her, will you wait for us? The look Adrian sends me makes me feel stupid for even asking. Ill be right back then. Adrian nods and turns his eyes back to his books.

Once I reach the class where Samantha told us she needed to have a talk with her teacher, I only see the new school teacher. I step into the class to see if Samantha is still in there. The smell that hits me makes me wrinkle my nose. What is that smell?

Excuse me, where is Samantha? The teacher looks up at me with clear surprise in his eyes.

She left fifteen minutes ago, can I help you with something? I take in the teacher from top till bottom. Something about him causes me to shudder. He seems like a nice person, but I cant shake the feeling somethings off with this man.

No Ill go find her, thanks. I quickly step back out of the classroom and rush off to the bathroom. That guy makes me feel like throwing up, especially with the smell in that classroom. I lean over the sink while I try to swallow the nasty taste of bile. I take a few mouths full of water before turning looking up into the mirror. God I look terrible.

As I want to turn to leave I stop in my tracks from hearing soft crying. Whos there? The crying instantly stops. With a frown I try to push open the bathroom stall doors one by one, only to find the last one locked. Sammy? Is that you? The lack of a reply makes me look under the stall door.

Sammy, open up, what happened? Samanthas looks down at me for a moment, only to avert her eyes again.

Its nothing, just go back to Adrian. Ill be there in a minute. The sound of her voice makes me wonder how she even managed to talk at all. Samantha dabs away a few tears with a tissue, refusing to look me in the eyes.

No, open up. I want to at least hold my girlfriend whens hes sad, you dont have to tell me anything if you dont want to. But allow me to hold you, especially if youre going to keep crying. I see Samanthas lip trembling. Finally she nods and opens the door. I quickly step into the stall so I can pull Samantha in a hug.

Please dont tell Adrian. I turn to Samantha with raised eyebrows. She wants me to keep quiet about her having cried? Please, I dont want him to worry. I purse my lips, thinking for a moment. Finally I nod.

Alright, Ill stay quiet for now. Samantha smiles a quick smile and presses a kiss on my lips.

Thanks. With that she steps past me and onto the tribunal to walk over to Adrian. I watch her go for a few moments, sigh and start on my way to Adrian as well. Adrian looks up as we approach him, a smile on his lips. At the same time I get the feeling he already knows somethings up with Samantha.

Hi love, Ill finish up and then we can go home. You had gym right? Im sure you want to take a shower. I narrow my eyes at Adrian. Something in the way he just spoke only adds to my suspicion. What does he know, that I dont?

Yes, thanks. I could use a proper shower. I glance towards Samantha, but she took things with her to shower at school. From what she told me, she always showers at school after gym. Then again just about every girl showers after gym. The ones that dont usually are the ones that get bullied a lot.

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