Trouble in paradise.

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Chapter 30

Trouble in paradise.

I take a seat next to Samantha, smiling I want to take her hand in mine. The second my hand touches her hand, Samantha pulls her hand back and out of my hand. I let out a sigh and turn my gaze to Vanessa. Her eyes close a little and she looks down at the ground. So I havent been the only one who has been getting the cold shoulder.

Lucie and Chicha asked me if we were still going clubbing tonight. Vanessa looks back up to check Samanthas reaction. Vanessa almost immediately lowers her gaze again. If you still want of course.

If both of you want to go we can go. Samantha replies in a flat emotionless voice. Vanessa turns her gaze to me, a slight hope back in her eyes.

Sure, I think its probably a good thing for us to have bit of fun. I notice Samantha flinching a little. I wait for her to say something, but she remains silent. I let out a sigh and turn my eyes to Vanessa. She quickly averts her eyes from me.

Then well go clubbing tonight. Samantha says in a flat emotionless voice. I let out a sigh, if she doesnt want to go she can just say so, she does realize that right? I turn my gaze back to Samantha, who has her eyes on me now. Even without my gift of feeling emotions I can clearly read the confusion and mixed emotions in her eyes.

Sammy, if you dont want to go, we can just stay home. Samantha looks up at me, for some moments we keep looking into each others eyes. Finally Samantha smiles and shakes her head.

No, we should go. Youre right, its probably a good thing for us to have a bit of fun. While she seems to have a genuine smile, her eyes tell the complete opposite.

Ill call Chicha and Lucie to tell them well come with them. Vanessa gets up, grabs her phone and leaves the two of us on our own. Once Vanessa is out of hearing range I turn to Samantha. Samantha gets up, grabs our plates and quickly leaves for the kitchen.

Sammy, talk to us already. I tell her while I follow her to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I pin her to the kitchen counter, my arms around her, hands resting on her butt.

Please dont touch my butt. She instantly says and pulls my hand off of her but. Shocked to actually hear her say those words for once I let her go completely. Samantha quickly looks away from me, hiding her eyes, but her feelings clearly tell me I just hurt her by letting her go completely.

Im sorry. I turn my gaze away from Samantha. Ill be at the gym in the back yard. I need to clear my head a little. Without waiting for a reply I turn around and leave Samantha. Before I step out of the back door I can hear the soft crying of Samantha in the kitchen. Something I feel like doing myself as well.

I spend the rest of the afternoon working out and making homework. Because I feel like bing alone Ive decided to use my ear-buds to blast music in my ears, added with a text to Samantha and Vanessa that Im in Vanessas room doing homework and if its possible to be undisturbed. I would have just told them face to face, but honestly at that point in time I had no clue where they were nor did I particularly feel like searching for them.

Even during dinner Vanessa has send one of the maids to bring me some food. Three hours before we would meet up with Vanessas friends the girls enter the bedroom, both looking guilty. Frowning I take out my ear-buds.

Why do you two look so guilty? Did something happen? Both of them giggle for a moment.

No, we just didnt want to disturb you. However we have to get ready for clubbing. I smile and reach for them to come to me. Vanessa eagerly accepts the invitation to come to me. She walks over to me with a quick pace and bends over to kiss me passionately on my lips.

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