Why can't the world be easy?

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Chapter 34

Why cant the world be easy?

So youre on speaking terms again with Vanessa and Samantha? June-May asks for the third time. Not feeling like answering the question again I sit down in the couch and pretend Im listening to someones his conversation. She hadnt been the one to undergo the wrath of two girls after all. It had taken me an hour to get Samantha and Vanessa to understand that I wasnt the one that came up with the idea to make someone have a talk with them. That I didnt even want to have a talk to begin with.

Telling them I didnt even want a talk only caused more anger and another hour to get them to understand that I didnt want the talk because I didnt want to diminish their choice in breaking up with me. All in all our talk had taken us the better part of the afternoon and the only thing I had gained was a huge headache and the unanimous agreement that we wouldnt ignore each other anymore.

I feel and hear June-Mays annoyance through our mind link and my emotional ability. Adrian, dont ignore me. Her voice becomes soft and low while her eyes narrow at me. Dont tempt me Adrian. She ads after a second of silence.

Yes June, Im on speaking terms again with both of them. I already told you two times, now stop asking. I snap back drawing the attention of the visitors around us. June-May puts her hands on her hips, not even noticing the glances were getting.

Im just surprised okay?! Can I be surprised and happy for my brother? Or is that to much to ask? June-May and I send each other a glare until our mother steps in between us with a disapproving glance.

She started!

He started! June-May and I say at the same time pointing at each other. It takes mom a second to respond but when she does she bursts out in laughter. June-May and I look away from each other. I feel my own cheeks burn and read the same embarrassment in June-May.

Now enough you two, its a party, try to enjoy instead of fighting. I glance over to mom and see the playfulness in her eyes even though she speaks quite sternly. I nod once and mom turns her gaze to June-May, who after a few moments also nods once. Good, now go get yourself a piece of cake Adrian, you havent had any yet.

I roll with my eyes, theres a reason I didnt take any yet, still I get up to get myself a piece of cake. Mom doesnt have to suffer with me as well, Im already making June-May suffer with me, thats one person to many. In the kitchen I get surprised that mom actually bought my favorite cake. Like always its the cake that has been eaten the least off. Apparently Ive always had a strange taste compared to my family and close family friends. Its because of this that mom usually doesnt buy my favorite cake That can only mean that she too is trying to cheer me up by buying it.

Is it really that obvious June? June-May steps past me to lean with her back against the kitchen counter to look me in the eyes. Meeting her eyes her smile falters and she nods.

Yea, its really that bad. Even dad is worried about you, neither mom nor I told him anything about your troubles. I feel myself flinch to hear that. I had assumed mom or June-May had told him about my troubles. If dad can see how bad things are for me at the moment it must be really bad. Dads probably the least observant person of our entire family.

I take a piece of the cake, bigger then Id normally do, turn around and lean with my back against the kitchen counter. I didnt mean to trouble any of you. I mumble.

Adrian, youre not supposed to hide such things. At least not from everyone. You do realize we call our mother, mom for a reason right? One of those reasons is to seek comfort when were sad or hurting. Relationship problems usually are the sort of thing you talk with your mom about. Mainly because mothers are more sensitive then fathers. Hearing June-May say that does make me laugh a little. Maybe shes right, I honestly dont know.

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