Damn you June!

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Chapter 33

Damn you June!

Adrian! something hard slaps me on my head, finally making me unable to ignore June-Mays voice any further. I let out a sigh and turn around in my chair to face June-May. June-Mays glare falters when she sees my face, something that has been happening a lot lately.

What June? For a moment nothing is being said while. June-May sighs and her glare completely fades.

When will you get over those two? The reason they broke up with you is enough reason for you to just move on. I turn back around to my computer and start my game again. Mom wants you to get ready. Guests will be arriving soon. In answer I put my headphones in the computer and pull it on my head from my neck. I hear June-Mays annoyance through our mind link, thankfully though she doesnt act on her thoughts.

Even though the video game Im playing is hardly any distraction from my thoughts, its more then nothing. The ringing of the doorbell makes me pull one ear free from my headphone. I listen intently to try and figure out who just arrived. The sound of the high pitched female voice combined with her annoying high and mighty way of talking causes me to wrinkle my nose. She was invited too? Mom really has invited everyone of the family for her wedding anniversary.

Im barely able to finish that thought before I hear someone assent the stairs. Great so shes here too. I let out a sigh and pull my headphone back over my ear. Just pretend you dont hear her, maybe shell go away. Im barely able to finish that thought and a set of arms wraps around my chest. The same greeting as alway, the only difference being that shes got breasts now, breasts that I can clearly feel against my back

I take a moment to recollect myself and finally pull my headphone off. Hi Kari. A soft giggle followed by a pull on my shoulder to turn me around lets me know she has changed very little. Well except for her physical appearance. Where she used to be quite an ugly duckling, she ended up as quite the sexy hot swan.

Hi Adrian, its been a while. She gives me another hug and walks over to my bed to sit down. Something she normally wouldnt do. How have you been?

Alright. Her eyes go over me and she shakes her head.

No you havent, when did you start lying to me Adrian? I know more then you think. She crosses her legs and lets one of her elbows rest on her knee and allows her head to rest on her hand.

June has been talking to you Im guessing? The smile she has already tells me Im right. Then why ask for an answer you already know? I turn back to my computer and continue my game.

Because its polite to do so. Im sorry for what happened. Turning my gaze back to her with one eyebrow raised I can feel a sting of pain coming from her. I know we have a history but Im really not that jealous or cold hearted to deny you any happiness you know. Besides I have a boyfriend now. I took me a while to get over you, but well I did. I admit it really did hurt when you turned me down once and for all, but after I was able to see past my pain I was able to understand why. Thank you for not giving in, I do know you were tempted to give in, May told me all those years back. However, I do want to help you now. We may not have spoken much for many years, May and I have been talking. She kept me up to date on how things were going with you. I mean I may not want you as a boyfriend anymore, but I still do care about you, very much. I press pause on my game again. The lump in my throat making me unable to reply to anything Kari just said.

Were going to make a visit to your girlfriends today. At the very least I am going to, and if you wont tell me the address, May will. So Id prefer your co-operation. I glance over to Kari from the corners of my eyes. A smug smile of victory makes me smile a little. She had always been good at playing dirty. Forcing me to accept something even though I didnt really want to. She and June-May had always been really close.

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