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Chapter 17


My dream slowly fades from my mind and I start to notice the weight of the blankets. I in hale deeply and smell Adrian's faint body odor mixed with a little bit of sweat, causing me to smile. I move my hand op to my face and feel Adrian's strong muscles under my fingers. His muscles feel surprisingly soft to the touch. Moaning softly I pull my leg over Adrian's leg and curl my fingers over his stomach. If I can wake like this of the rest of my life I'll die a happy woman. I force my eyes open and heat rushes to my cheeks. When did Samantha move so close to me? My eyes travel down to Samantha's lips. Seeing those lips I need to swallow once followed by running my tongue over my lips. Those lips look so inviting right now. Then the realization hits me.

'Great, so she's sleeping on my boyfriends chest as well...' I mumble to myself as irritation gets the best of me. The jealousy that rises in me causes a hint of guilt at the same time. I had to tell Adrian I didn't feel as jealous anymore... why did I have to tell him that again? I mean sure my jealousy has lessened considerably compared to what it used to be, but she clearly still likes Adrian. On top of that I'm positive Adrian still likes her as well! So how can I not be jealous?!

I let out a sigh and allow myself to really take in Samantha's face. I can't really blame Adrian for liking her though. Heck even I consider her a beauty and a really, really nice girl. Not even mentioning that those lips of Samantha just invite you to kiss her. Her hair looks like silk and I'm pretty sure Adrian just drowns in those heavenly blue eyes of hers. Again I need to at least admit to myself that I do the same. Not that Adrian or Samantha is gonna know that little detail.

A smirk forms on my lips, good thing Adrian isn't able to read my mind. Him reading my emotions is bad enough. I tilt my head so I can check if Adrian's still asleep. Again I run my tongue over my lips, good he still sleeps. I push myself up, careful not to wake anyone and bring myself to Adrian's height. I run my fingers tenderly though Adrian's hand with a soft hum. Seeing Adrian's sleeping face butterflies start to act up in my stomach. He's just too cute like this! Even better, I get to see this face as often as I want to. No one is going to steal this absolutely adorable idiot from me, he's all mine. The first girl that tries to steal him from me is going to wish she hadn't started that war with me, I'll make damn sure they'll back off and anyone else is going to think twice about starting that war with me.

Closing my eyes I lower myself to press a kiss on Adrian's lips. I moan softly as my lips curve around Adrian's lips. Joy swells up in my heart while a shudder goes down my spine towards my groin. I force myself to break off the kiss while my breath becomes slightly more heavy. Is my pajama getting tighter around my chest or what? Why hasn't he touched me at all yet? I am attractive to him, am I not? My eyes flutter closed for a moment again while I rub my free hand between my legs. I inhale sharply as my hand brushes over my clitoris. The stories my friends told about them seducing a boy into the bed never gave me the idea that it would be this hard. They always made it sound like all they had to do was show their nipples and they'd jump on top of them. When it comes to Adrian however, I'm pretty sure he'd just dress me up again if I stood naked before him. Fucking idiot! At the same time I got to admit that I like the game of seducing my boyfriend. I bet my friends never experience the fun of seeing the lust grow in their eyes while he still refrains from touching them. So it's not all bad, I just hope he'll touch me soon... before it's to late.

Adrian moans a little, inhales deeply and his eyes slowly open to slits. Adrian frowns to me as I start giggling. That would be the first time that the price wakes up by a kiss of the princess. What a plot twist on the story.

'Good morning handsome, did you sleep well?' A smile forms on Adrian's lips when he seems me wink at him.

'Yes, I actually slept amazing. How about you? Did you sleep well?' Adrian inhales deeply again and stretches himself with the one arm that was around me. Adrian sneaks his hand in my neck to pulling me down for a kiss. A shudder goes down my spine again, moaning at the same time. He's going to drive me crazy one of these days! After a long passionate kiss Adrian lets go of my neck and allows me to break off the kiss. I feel my head spin a little while the butterflies in my stomach make me smile like a complete idiot. Heat rushes to my cheeks while Adrian just has this stupid smug smile on his lips. He knows what he does to me when he kisses me like that, the devil!

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