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Chapter 22


'No Ness! Look at what happened because you decided you couldn't tell your friends about our relationship. Look!' Samantha points towards me. Vanessa slowly turns her head to me, tears in her eyes, her body trembling. 'I understand it's scary to tell them about our strange relationship. Especially to tell them you're also in a relationship with another girl, you don't know how they'll react. But please at least admit to me that this is not worth what ever your friends will say or do for such a relationship. I do hope you understand we're extremely lucky it's just bruises on his body and a bloody nose.'

'I know! I'm sorry.' I lower my eyes while tears fight to come out. I already know this is all because I'm to scared! 'But how was I supposed to k now that Jason and some of the others of the football team would try to kick him into the hospital! If I had known this would have happened, I'd have told them everything already! Do you think I wanted this to happen to him?!' My head snaps up to look Samantha in the eyes. Surely she must understand I'm not the kind of person that likes to hurt the people she's in love with. Tears start to stream down my cheeks while I keep looking Samantha in the eyes. Samantha takes a deep breath, steps forward and pulls me in a hug, tears also starting to form in her eyes.

'You!' Samantha and I both turn to the entrance of the living room at Adrian's home. June-May steps forward towards me. Before she can get to me Samantha steps between us blocking June-May's path. 'I'm going to strangle her! Out of the way Samantha!'

'May, calm down.' The way June-May looks at me makes me feel like I can understand Adrian's gift for feeling emotions a little bit. My body starts to tremble and I automatically shy away from June-May.

'Out of my way Samantha. I've had it with her, I'll strangle her and hire someone to dispose of the body! I'm sure I can find someone crazy enough.' June-May tries to get past Samantha. Samantha simply steps along with June-May to keep her from getting to me.

'May honey, who are you talking to?' We watch Adrian's mom enter and a look of surprise shows when she sees Samantha and myself.

'Mom, please leave the room. I don't want you to see me commit murder.' June-May makes a faint to the left and slips past Samantha. Just before she gets to me Samantha is able to grab June-May's wrist and pull her back.

'June-May! Behave yourself.' June-May visibly fights to keep herself from lashing out to her mom. For a few moments she keeps staring towards her mother. The look she sends back however even has me quiver. June-May turns away from her mother and plops herself on the couch muttering words of betrayal.

'It's all her fault, you should just let me strangle her.' June-May mutters a bit too loud. June-May mother turns her eyes back to June-May which again June-May averts her eyes from her mother. 'Traitor.' She mumbles again.

June-May's mother sighs and turns her attention to Samantha and myself. 'Tell me dear, what happened?' The calm voice of Adrian's mom makes me somewhat reassured that I'm not going to get strangled today. At the same time I realize that I'll have to explain to her what happened to her son... that it's my fault he's in his bed right now with his body more black and blue than anything else.

'I... uhm...' I turn to Samantha while my mouth turns dry like a desert. Samantha takes my hand in hers and pats it gently. She turns her attention to Adrian's mom with a reassuring smile.

'You see ma'am, Adrian and I were kissing and because of it the friends of Ness decided to... well beat him up.' Adrian's mom frowns and alternates looking at Samantha and then at me and back. For a moment nothing is being said until Adrian's mom finally seems to straighten her thoughts.

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