Back to school

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Chapter 10

Back to school.

After three days of doctors trying to figure out what was wrong, and to make sure it wouldn't happen again, they finally told me I was allowed to go home. As they told me they didn't expect it to happen again, at the very least not in any foreseeable future, that except for the fact that my brain is different, there's nothing wrong with me. June-May and my parents however could clearly see there are lasting effects, which only time would tell if I'd recover from those effects. The main thing they noticed is the lack of emotion.

That Wednesday when I got home I made a straight line for my room to lock myself up. The only thing that seems present on my mind is the lack of enthusiasm to do anything. Even eating seems to be to much of an effort, had it not been for June-May who keeps bugging me that I need to eat something.

Any and all drawings I tried to draw to get my mind of things only end up lifeless and empty. I tear out multiple sheets of paper to rip, no mater how happy I try to draw it never looks anything but lifeless. With a sigh I throw my pencil on the table and look around my room. Why are all those drawing so happy? Why is there so much life in those drawings?

Agitation quickly grows within me from seeing the drawings. With barely enough common sense to keep from ripping all the drawings apart, I simply take them all off the walks and put them away, somewhere I don't have to see them.

A hint of a smile forms on my lips when I look around my room again. Now my room looks just as dead and lifeless as I feel. Strange enough I'm okay with that. Everything seems so to relate so much more to myself.

The next day I get forced out of bed by June-May, telling me I need to go to school. For the first few seconds of the day I feel energized, after those seconds I can't even bring up to do one push-up, let alone my usual morning ritual. In stead I just do the things I absolutely must do and if I have energy left after that I'll do some other things that I'm supposed to do. The lack of energy does make me wonder how everyone is expecting me to get through a day of school.

Upon entering the living room I find some food and coffee already prepared and June-May smile at me like nothing happened these last few weeks. 'How did you sleep?' I puff out some air and send June-May a glare.

'I slept fine until you had to wake me.' I reply with a sharpened edge to my voice. June-May stifles a laugh.

'Well at least your doing better then three days ago.' To hide her smile June-May quickly takes a sip of her coffee. 'You're able to get annoyed again.' With a teasing grin June-May sticks her tongue out a little, making my scowl even deeper.

'Oh how I've missed being annoyed.' I reply grumpy and take sip from my coffee as well. June-May on the other hand finally burst out in laughter.

My way to school makes me get into contact with way more people than I'm used to, causing me to get even more annoyed. By the time I reach school I'm completely pissed off and decide to walk straight to my classroom, just so I won't have to see or talk with anyone.

Before I get to class I hear someone call my name. I stop walking and close my eyes. Keep calm, they don't know you don't want to talk with anyone right now. 'Hey man, it's good to see you out of the hospital.' Amanda pulls me in a hug while Richard offers me a hand.

'Yea, absolutely great, now I can enjoy school again.' Richard drops his hand with a frown. Amanda also lets go of me, takes a step back sending me a questioning look.

'Is everything alright?' Amanda's eyes go up and down taking me in as if she can figure out what's going on by just looking at me.

'Of course, every thing's just peachy.' I roll with my eyes. Amanda turns to Richard who sends Amanda a shrug.

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