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Chapter 19


'Hey girls, everything okay?' I turn my eyes to Samantha and can clearly see she has been crying. So that's why it took so long. Who'd have thought Vanessa would try and comfort Samantha like that? You don't need to be a genius to know Vanessa sees Samantha as a threat to our relationship.

'Of course, why wouldn't it be?' Vanessa casually throws her hair over her shoulder and pulls Samantha along towards the couch. A hint of annoyance shows in Vanessa's eyes when she notices all my school books. I bet she wanted to sit on my lap again.

'What's with all the school books? We don't have school right now.' Vanessa lets herself fall on the couch and glares at the books that prevent her from sitting next to me.

'Well we're going to have to catch up some time, so I might as well do it now.' I simply reply while I turn my attention back to my school work. The lack of response makes me look up at the girls only to see Vanessa having her head resting on Samantha's lap.

'Oh right.' Vanessa turns onto her back to look up at Samantha. 'Sammy, as I told you papers are being prepared, but don't you want to get some of your things from your old place? Like I said I'm not going to allow you to return to that place as a home. I mean you can keep wearing my cloths, but I can imagine you'd want some of your own cloths and maybe some other stuff. Or we can just buy new things, I have enough money to buy you a new wardrobe. Or I just grab my dad's credit card.' Vanessa giggles at that thought.

'What? I can't have you stealing from your parents.' Vanessa waves away Samantha's protest.

'I do it all the time, they don't even notice. This one time I purposely bought some bondage things just to see if they'd notice. The only thing they noticed was the strange package that was delivered. It did give me the opportunity to embarrass my brother with the items. His wife didn't enjoy the joke though, then again I don't like her either. She's a total bitch, and I'm sure she cheats on my brother. Can't prove it though.' Vanessa seems to realize she's rambling on and shuts her mouth with a slight color on her cheeks. Samantha giggles and runs her hand over Vanessa's head.

'Well yes there are some things I'd love to get out of my parents home. But I don't want to go get them at the same time. I mean I don't think I'll come out of that house again if I enter it.' My head snaps up to look at Samantha, did I hear that right? Since when does Samantha speak such worries out loud?

'Do you want me to come with you?' Samantha turns her eyes to me with a clear surprise. For some time she keeps her eyes on me like she expects me to tell her I'm only joking. Slowly but surely a smile forms on Samantha's lips.

'You would do that? For me?' A hint of a tear shows in Samantha's eyes. The smile on her lips really makes me wonder why she would think I'd be fooling around here? Why wouldn't I come with her?

'Of course I'd do that for you. Why wouldn't I?' I frown at Samantha wondering why she has such a hard time believing I'd do something so simple for her. Samantha turns her eyes away from me while biting her lower lip.

'I don't know. I just didn't expect you'd do something like that for me.' Samantha tells with such a soft voice that I need to really make an effort to hear her words. At the same time her words couldn't be more clear to me.

'Well in that case you now know I will do something like that for you.' Samantha turns her eyes back to me and smiles. Smiling back I send Samantha a wink. Samantha lowers her eyes to the ground and a slight color shows on her cheeks. 'Let me know when you want to go.'

'Uhm can we go right now in that case?' Samantha glances towards me as if worried I'll get angry or something. I put my things to the side, something tells me that if I'd make Samantha wait to long she'll lose her nerves.

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