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Chapter 12


The following days Vanessa doesn't search me out, something I hadn't expected to happen. I could have searched for Vanessa myself, but in all honesty I'm not sure if I want to see her right now or not. Even though it stings that I haven't seen Vanessa in these past days, I also feel relieved to not have to deal with June-May about it right now.

With a sigh I turn my eyes to the ceiling thinking things through again. Should I go to Vanessa's birthday or not? Surely she hasn't told anyone about me being invited, why would she? The prospect of showing up there and being greeted by those buffoons of the football club isn't something I look forward to. Besides she hasn't really shown any interest in me still showing up these past days.

Sighing again I throw my pencil on my drawing table. Then again I did promise her that I would be there. Up until now I've rarely if even at all broken a promise I made. So does that really give me any choice in the matter? I never did say how long I'd be staying though... I could go for just a few minutes. Go see Vanessa, say happy birthday, drink a few beers and go back home. Surely I'd be able to survive something as simple as that, right?

'Where are you going?' I look up from fastening my shoelaces to see June-May step into the living room, already in her sleeping T-shirt.

'Vanessa's party. You know I promised.' The look June-May sends me causes me to question my own sanity. A smile forms on June-May's lips. She walks over to the couch next to me and takes a seat.

'I thought you just said that to her to make her happy. I hadn't expected you to actually go.' Though our mind link I can read the contradicting words of praise for keeping my word, even to Vanessa. While at the same time she keeps wondering how I can be so stupid to actually go.

'Yea... I wasn't sure myself either. Got to keep my promise though, but I never told her how long I'd be staying so don't expect me to be staying there for any length of time. Just gonna go in, say happy birthday and get the hell out again.' This causes June-May to burst out in laughter. She whips away a few tears and pulls her legs up on the couch.

'Well it's your funeral. Would you prefer red flowers or a different color?' With a grin on her lips she grabs her phone that lies next to her on the couch and unlocks the screen as if she's already going to order them. A smile forms on my own lips, this is a June-May that I know and love.

'I don't care about the flowers, just make sure the box isn't going to a boring one.' June-May bursts out in loud laughter, finally drawing the attention of our parents in the kitchen.

'Why are you laughing dear?' this only causes June-May to laugh even louder. With a smile on my lips I quickly sneak out of the house so I won't have to suffer that cross-exam with June-May.

As I step into the street Vanessa's house is supposed to be at, I start to realize just how much money Vanessa has, or her parents at least. No wonder she bought so many dresses the other day. Her house goes up three stories and there are enough windows that just the front of the house probably has more than fifteen rooms, not counting the windows that look like they belong to a bathroom.

Lights light up the night sky and music booms loud through the street. Even if one wouldn't have known the full address of Vanessa, they would have found this place to join the party. I stop in front of Vanessa's house to take everything in for a moment. Seeing the lights, the music and many, many people in and around the house does make me admit that Vanessa knows how to throw a party. Through our mind like even June-May has to admit that this is quite the party.

I decide to follow a few other's past the house towards the back of the house. With every step I need to fight not to rush out again. The bombardment of emotions that get even bigger with every step that I take seems to fight it's way into my brain to knock it out.

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