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My head hurts.

Like a lot.

It's been approximately 5 minutes since I woke up but I can't move even an inch. Every time I try to move, a wave big of nausea just swirls in me. And on top of that, my head feels like someone is hammering my skull with at least a 100-pound hammer. But I have to get up unless I won't feel even slightly decent the whole day.

So, I slowly remove the blanket from me and slightly turn to the side but I felt a gag coming so I quickly lay back down. I groan and pinch the bridge of my nose, getting frustrated with the headache and nausea. But in a quick moment, I sit up straight on the bed. I feel a smirk on my lips when I don't feel anything but it quickly drops and I press my hand on my mouth when I feel the swirling of alcohol turning into a full-speed tornado inside me. So, I quickly scoot forward and hop off the bed before rushing to the bathroom.

I feel awful. Honestly, last night was the shittiest night I've had. I've never been this drunk in my whole life, and trust me, I've been drunk too many times. But I have no recollection of memory after our dance to some mind-blowing indie rock song. I have no idea what I did after I took the second tequila shot and was about to dance like a stripper but Sydney pulled me back. The only thing I hate about drinking is throwing up the next morning, it's fucking exhausting enough to keep up with a headache and now I have to take care of my stomach and sore throat too.

I groan loudly, followed by a deep exhausting sigh as I flush and reach for the tissues on the counter. I whack the tissue box and it falls on the ground, so I quickly grab four-five tissues and wipe my face. Once I'm done, I scoot back and lean my back against the wall, letting out a deep breath. My throat is gone and my head is about to burst into tiny pieces. But I also feel very sad, I feel depressed. I feel like I want to cry so much but nothing is coming out of my eyes.

“Oh god," I rasp out and bend my legs, pulling my knees closer. My eyebrow furrows when I see a red and black checkered flannel on me. I immediately unfold my legs and examine it and it pops into my head.

It's Harry's.

When did he give me this? I close my eyes and try to remember the situation but everything is blurry and unfocused. My mind feels too fuzzy to even try and remember anything after my tequila shots, it's increasing my headache even more. So I open my eyes and stare down at the flannel. Maybe he gave it to me because I was cold or maybe I just grabbed it and wore it because I was cold. I don't know which one it is but I'm grateful that it's on my body. I feel very warm.

Within the next 15 minutes, I freshened up and dressed in cosy clothes. I left my damp hair to dry naturally because I was too bored to dry them out, and then cleaned up the mess in my room. I put back my heels in the cupboard because I don't want to stumble on them like I did while rushing to the bathroom a few minutes ago, and made my bed. Lastly, with a smile on my face, I put the red teddy bear Harry won me yesterday in the middle of the cushions.

I'm trying to smile my way through the day but I can't form a genuine one. I don't know what's wrong with my mood but I can immediately shed tears if someone even touches me, that's the bar of sensitivity I have reached right now. I don't recall feeling this shitty on the worst days I've been drunk on, this feels too weird. I feel like whatever it is, I shouldn't be smiling at all. I feel guilty for some reason.

The first day after turning 19 and I already want to cry. Perfect.

With a heavy sigh, I massage my head before opening the door of my room and stepping out for a glass of water. When I got out, my eyes fell on Harry's room to my right. His door was open yet I couldn't see him inside. So, letting go of the topic, I yawn and rub my eye with the back of my hand as I step towards the kitchen. I enter the kitchen and grab the glass before my eyes find Harry sitting on the couch with his laptop opened and his book, notebook, brown leather diary, and his guitar surrounding him.

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