Chapter 2: Homeroom

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At homeroom, Aisha walked into the class. She walked towards her best friend, Jiliana.

"Aishaaaaa!!" yelled Jiliana, as she ran and hugged Aisha.

"Hey Jill!" she replied.

Aisha and Jiliana have been friends since the second grade. They met during recess when they splitted a cookie and ate it near the swings. After that they've been friends ever since and they hope that nothing breaks them apart.

"I missed you, gurl!" Jill said.

"We talked just yesterday." Aisha replied.

"But it felt like forever." Jill said as they both laughed.

Jill is more of an exciting one, while Aisha is more chill, but they still get lit together.

Walking into the classroom was Quayvon.

"Eww, Jiliana." he said.

Jill turned around and skinned her nose at him. Quayvon and Jiliana used to date back in the sixth grade. They broke up because Quayvon was involved in some things that he shouldn't have been involved in. But everyone knew they still had feelings for each other.... They do too.

"YOU CAN'T BE CALLING ME UGLY, YOU ROACH!!!" Keivana said, yelling at Mr. Fischer and Mr. Frazier.

"Who are you yelling at?" asked McKennezie.

"At them two fool janitors."

"You can't be letting them get to you, girl." said Jill.

"They get on my nerves, though."

"You get on our nerves, KEIVANAAA!!" said Mr. Frazier, mimicking Keivana's voice, as he dodged a water bottle Keivana threw at him.

Few minutes later the rest of the class walked in along with the teacher. After playing the school announcements, they did introductions. And after that, they got to work.

"Okay everyone. Take out your notebooks, time for some notes." Mrs. Courtess said.

"Aye Taysom." Aisha whispered.

"Yeah?" Taysom replied.

"Can I borrow your mechanical pencil?"

"Yeah, here."


"Are you doing anything after school?" Aisha asked again.

"No, why?"

"Do you mind taking some pictures of me? I'm trying to audition for this movie and I need to send them some pictures of me." she explained.

"Oh cool, congrats. Sure I'll do it."

Taysom was happy for Aisha, but a little disappointed. He liked Aisha a lot, and he didn't want her to leave. He wants to tell her that he has a crush on her, but he just doesn't have the courage or figured out a way to tell her.

"Thank you, Taysom." Aisha said.

"No problem."

During connections McKennezie and Jahonna were talking.

"So did you ask your daddy if you could come to my birthday party?" asked McKennezie.

"No, but I know he'll let me go." replied Jahonna.

"Okay, well if you do come make sure you wear gold and white."

"Ewww, McKennezie you are doing color schemes? You sure this ain't no study session?"

"What? A girl can't have an exquisite birthday party?"

After 3rd period, the students started to get ready for 4th period. Mr Fischer and Mr. Fraizer was standing in the hallways roasting students as they walked pass, like usual.

"Dang look at the boy's head." said Mr. Fischer.

"Laugh my ass off, he looks like his daddy knocked him upside his head." replied Mr. Fraizer.

"No sh*t. And look at that girl over there. Them legs are ashyyyy."

"D*MN, them things are grayer than my grandma's hair. She could cook the whole school fried chicken with them powder legs."

"On god. Her name ain't no Power Girl, its Powder Girl." Mr. Fischer kept going.

"Okay, that's enough." Mr. Fraizer said, trying to stop Mr. Fischer from ruining the joke.

"Her legs so ashy it's illegal."

"That was corny, not gonna lie."

"Yeah... it was, wasn't it?"


After the teacher explained to the class their lesson for today, they went to the cafeteria for lunch. 

"Ouu I smell pizza." said Jiliana.

"You're always smelling pizza. We ain't having no pizza on the first day of school." Quayvon replied.

"And how do you know?"

"Because I read the menu. If you stopped sniffing pizza you probably would've seen it too."

"Boy, leave her alone. She can smell pizza all she wants. It ain't killing nobody." said Aisha.

"Hahaha, c'mon Quayvon. Let them continue smelling their pizza." said Taysom as he walked passed.

As they were about to sit down Quayvon's phone vibrated in his pocket. He checked his phone and it was a text. He told Taysom that he'll be back and to watch his food.

Quayvon walked into the boy's restroom to check the message. It was from one of his friends, Jamonte. It read:

Jamonte: Aye we meeting up after school. Be ready.

Quayvon replied "Okay" then he went back to the cafeteria to get his lunch.

Aisha, Jiliana, McKennezie, and Jahonna were at the table talking.

"Aye Aisha, you wanna come to my birthday party?" asked McKennezie.

"Yeah, sure. When is it?" Aisha replied.

"Okay, I'll try and see if I can go."


"Y'all ready for the Halloween school dance?" Jiliana asked.

"That's not til October." said Jahonna.

"Yeah, but it doesn't hurt to be 2 months prepared."

McKennezie went to take a bite of the pizza even though it was still hot. The hot molten cheese scorched her mouth, but she still tried to take a bite.

"Mickie, why don't you just let it cool down?" asked Keivana.

"Be- be-," McKennezie struggled to talk, still trying to take a bite of the pizza.

"Because..." she groaned as her tongue started to get numb.

"I- Anyways... So did anyone have their monthly periods, yet?" Jilliana burst out.

"NO JILL!" They all exclaimed, even McKennezie.

"Do you like... ever think about what you're about to say before you say it?" Aisha commented, taking a sip of her soda.

After lunch and during dismissal, Taysom kept looking at all the school events. He smiled to himself, because he already knew how he was going to do them. He was really excited for the school play. He had so many ideas for that one he just couldn't decide on which idea. But it was until December so he thought he had plenty of time to decide.

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