Chapter 24: Broken

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Taysom was sitting down in a chair on his phone next to Keivana’s hospital bed. Keivana’s parents were outside the room. Keivana was in a coma after being hit by the car. It had a very strong impact. The doctor said that she broke her right arm and 2 ribs. Although the doctor said the injuries can be patched up, she was still in a coma. Everyone just hoped she’d wake up soon.                                                                                                                                                                                                  

A moment later, the door opened, Taysom thought it was Keivana’s parents, but Jiliana walked through the door. Taysom and Jiliana exchange hugs before sitting next to each other.

“Ahh, d*mn. I hope this won’t be Deja Vu Part 3.” Jiliana took a look at Keivana. Her face had scratch marks and cuts.

“She won’t, I know it.” Taysom replied, still sitting down on the chair.

“Saturday was just supposed to be a day we got together and hung out, nothing like this.” Jiliana sat next to Taysom.

“I was really hoping we could’ve gotten a picture of us together with two of us each holding a picture of Jahonna and McKennezie.”

“Yeah, well, if-”

“When.” Taysom tried to be as positive as possible. But even positiveness couldn’t outwit fate.

“Yeah, 'when' Keivana wakes up, we’ll still be able to do it.”

“Yeah…” Jiliana grabbed Taysom’s hand and squeezed it tight enough in a caring way. In a way that tells him, I got you. Taysom squeezed her hand back, having the hand say back to her, I got you, too. Quayvon showed up a little after, he walked over to Keivana and held her hand, hoping that she’ll wake up. For some time, they were waiting, hoping that Aisha would show up. But she hasn't been around them since it happened nor did she call them. Not even Jiliana.

After Taysom and them left, Aisha showed up at the hospital. She walked to Keivana’s room, she saw her parents sitting outside the room. She gave them a hug and apologized for what happened. She walked in the room by herself. Her first sight was Keivana laying down in that bed breathing, but this breathing cost more than anything. These breaths could any second be the last breaths she’d take, maybe for Aisha as well as the girl couldn’t take anymore of the pain. One more and she might just lose her sh*t. The nurse walked in saying it was time for her to go for she arrived late at night.

“Okay…” Aisha stared back at Keivana.

“I’m sorry this happened to you. I remember you from the last times you’d been here. I’m Dr. Soderman, does that ring a bell?” she said, sticking her hand out for a handshake.

“Yeah, I remember. I don’t understand this.”


“I don’t get why this is happening.” Dr. Soderman stayed silent, trying to figure out something to say.

“I had a friend who died once. She was my best friend in the whole world. I grew up in this small town of Illinois with an abusive father and mother. Stacey-my friend-was the only one who really cared for me. She and her parents. When I ran away, her parents let me stay. They fed me, clothed me… loved me.  Me and Stacey grew real close, we were like sisters, just inseparable. Until one day…” Dr. Soderman's eyes started to water up.

“We were playing in the forest, because there really weren’t any parks. Next thing you know, she fell down and cracked her skull against a rock. I blamed myself many times for what happened, but her parents always told me that it was never my fault. I didn’t listen till a couple years later, when I decided to become a doctor like she wanted to do. Of course, I’m not a doctor now-I’m a nurse-but y’know I’m still getting there.”

After talking with the nurse, Aisha walked to her mother’s car and went home.

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