Chapter 14: Dark Tears

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The day after Jahonna got beaten by her father. And 2 weeks before the announcement of her death:

It was around 6:00 a.m. when Jahonna's daddy came into the basement to wake her up. "Jahonna, come on wake your a** up." he said as he shook her.

Jahonna wouldn't wake up and her body felt lighter. He tried shaking her and calling out her name.

"Girl, wake your a** up." He said in a worried way.

He went and felt her pulse and her heart. She had no pulse and her heart wasn't beating.
"SH*T, SH*T, SH*T!! D*MN YOU GIRL, D*MN YOU JAHONNA!!" her father yelled as he knew that she was dead.

He went and put her in the car trunk and got inside and drove off to a road near the woods. He took Jahonna out and threw her into the woods. He then left the car there and walked to a bus station to leave town

Back to present time:

1 Week later after Jahonna's funeral, Taysom, Jiliana, Aisha, Keivana, And Quayvon tried to get McKennezie out of her room.

"Come on McKennezie, we miss her too. But staying in a room all alone isn't gonna help. You still got us. We're all here for you." said Taysom.

McKennezie didn't say anything back.
"McKennezie, please come out. You can't be alone forever, Jahonna wouldn't want that." said Aisha.

"McKennezie we already lost one best friend. Please don't make us lose another one." said Keivana.

Feeling like nothing was working, they all just sat down by McKennezie's door hoping she didn't do anything stupid. About 30 seconds later, McKennezie opened the door. Her eyes started to get very watery and she went and grabbed onto all of her friends.

"I CAN STILL HEAR HER VOICE!! I MISS HER!!" McKennezie as she cried.

The rest of them held onto McKennezie and tried to calm her down.
"We miss her too, girl. We miss her too." said Jiliana as she started to cry as well, along with Aisha and Keivana. Taysom and Quayvon tried not to cry, but you can see tears coming from their eyes.

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