Chapter 36: What's In Between

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Aisha walked out the hotel room to go buy a drink from a vending machine down in the lobby, when she saw Francisco sitting down in the lobby.

“Oh, hey, Francisco.”

“Hey.” she said, sounding a little down.

“Everything’s okay with you?”

“I guess.”

“Wanna talk?” Aisha sat down next to her on the couch.

“I’m stressed…”


“I think just ruined me and Keivana's relationship.”

“Oh... how?"

“I asked her if she wanted to be more than just friends and then I just kissed her without her permission.”

“I see.”

“It’s that, and then things at home. Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong.”

“What do you mean?”

“My parents are getting a divorce. So there it just feels depressing, because I don’t see them much, they'll be away from each other. Or if I do see them together, they're arguing with each other. I just don't feel happy."

"I know you feel. When we lost our two friends, everything just felt empty. Disclosed. The happiness inside just leaves."

"Yeah... so what you did to become happy again?"

“See, that's the funny thing about it. I’m not happy. And I don’t think I can ever be happy again. What happened to my friends and the way it happened, that sh*t really tore me up. It broke my heart, badly. And there ain’t no glue strong enough to put it back together.”

“So then how do you become what you are now?”

“What, this? It's just coping... moving on.”

“And how’d you do that?”

“With friends and family.”

“See, that's a thing, though. I have no friends. And with the way my parents are acting, I barely have a family.”

“You have Keivana.  I can be your friend too, we can all be your family.”

“I'm not sure Keivana wants to be my friend anymore.”

“You should try talking to her again."

“I don’t know."

“Just try it. I'm sure she’ll love to be your friend.”

“Thanks for the talk, Aisha, but I’mma go.” Francisco got up from the couch and walked away.

As Francisco got up on their room floor, she saw Keivana walking out. Francisco quickly turned around, but Keivana called out her name. Francisco stopped and sighed. As she heard Keivana getting closer, she turned around.

“What?” Francisco said, with her arms folded.

“I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to apologize."

“I wanna be friends with you. I feel like we can be close.”

“We want two different things, Keivana. You wanna be a friend, I wanna be more than that, how's that going to work out?”

“I don’t, yet. But we can figure it out along the way. I'm just tired of not having a real close friend. Can we please start over?”

“I… yeah, I guess.”

“Okay, cool… Come on, let’s go grab some popcorn from the lobby, we we're gonna watch a movie.”

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