Chapter 38: End of a Chapter

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The last day of school couldn’t come any faster. Some students didn’t go to school, some did. Aisha grabbed her phone and watch. For her it just wasn’t the last day of school, it was also the day she would be going to the movie studio. After all the things that happened this school year, she was really happy that she was able to get through it.

Aisha walked into the passenger seat ready to go to the school to tell her friends goodbye for now, since she’ll be absent for the entire next school year.

“I’m so proud of you, baby.” her mother said, hugging her.

Driving down the road, she stopped at an intersection red light. Stopping here, Aisha got this weird feeling. She felt like something like this had happened before. She looked at her phone and the time read 10:30. The light turned green and her mother proceeded to drive. And then it hit her, this is the dream that she had that night. Almost crossing over, a truck was rushing at them.

“MAMA WATCH OUT!” Aisha reached over and grabbed the steering wheel, pulling the car over, just dodging the truck.

In panic and not believing what just happened both of them just stared at each other. Aisha’s were watering up, because the thing she dreamt about nearly happened. She hugged her mother tightly.

At school Taysom was placing the yearbooks in the crates so that they could be passed out during classes and dismissal. But while doing this, Taysom had one thing on his mind. To ask Aisha out. The weeks in LA when he kissed her was jolly, but he still wanted her to be his girlfriend.

Since it was the last day of school, they let the students hang in classes together. This year was pretty calm, so they thought, what could go wrong on the last day. Taysom was hanging with Keivana, Quayvon, Jiliana, and Francisco, after he got done distributing the yearbooks out.

“I’mma go use the restroom, real quick.” As he walked down the hall, he bumped into Aisha.

“Oh, hi Taysom.”

“Hey… here to say goodbye?"

“Yeah… I’m gonna miss you guys.”

“Yeah, same.”

“Do you know where they are?”

“They’re in Mrs. Leroy's class.”

“Oh okay, well, see you in a year.” Aisha hugged Taysom, then began walking to the class.

Taysom knew he had to say something. He ate up all the butterflies in his stomach and spoke.

“Aisha, wait.”


“I need to say something to you.”

“What is it?”

“I… I like you. And I like you a lot.” When I say Taysom felt like passing out, I mean he felt like passing out.

“I was wondering when you were going to tell me. I like you, too.” Aisha walked up to Taysom and they kissed once again.

“If I would’ve known that, I would have told you months ago.” Taysom said, laughing.

“Yeah.. I just wished you told me earlier… or I should have told you.”

“I guess we both were scared.”


“Y’know, how about let’s all take a picture before you go.”

“That’ll be great.”

Taysom was so happy, he didn't even have to use the restroom anymore.

They went back to the class, Taysom forgot all about having to use the restroom. They told everyone in the class to pose up in front of the camera.

“Y’all ready?” asked Quayvon.

“Wait, don’t forget about these two!” Jiliana grabbed two pictures of Jahonna and McKennezie and placed them on a desk in front of them. Taysom set the camera countdown to 10 seconds then got in pose.

“That's what's up on three.” said Jiliana, because that was a thing McKennezie and Jahonna said every time they took pics.

“THAT’S WHAT’S UP!!” Everyone shouted looking so happy.

No matter the things that happened this year. All the roadblocks, the tears shed, the cries heard, they all were able to have somewhat a good year of school. This group was more than friends, they were brothers and sisters. They were family. And for the two sisters they lost, they say to them, rest in peace for their spirits will live long in their hearts.

And for those reading, this isn’t a story about school. This is a story about Familyhood.

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