Chapter 12: The After Party

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Back to Present time:

Taysom, Aisha, Jiliana, and Keivana all stayed over at McKennezie’s house to clean up while she and her parents dropped off Jahonna.

“Today was lit, am I right.” said Jiliana.

“Right you are.” replied Keivana.

“Ouu guys look what I found.” said Jiliana.

“It’s a bottle.”said Taysom.

“Yeah, a bottle. This bottle means ‘spin the bottle’.”

“We can't play that, girl. Plus we don’t have enough boys.” said Aisha.

“So, what does not having enough boys have to do with spinning the bottle?”

“You’re gayyy.” said Keivana as she walked away from Jiliana grossed out.

“I’m just playing, plus McKennezie and company here.”

“I’ll get the door.” said Taysom.

After cleaning up McKennezie and her parents dropped off Jiliana, Taysom, Aisha, and Keivana to their homes. As they were about to go to sleep, Jiliana group facetimed all of them.


“Sorry, I’m scared I need to talk to someone.” Jiliana said.

“Scared of what?” said Taysom.

“The dark…” Jiliana said nervously.

“Girl you are 16, take yo pale a** to sleep.” McKennezie said.

“Leave her alone.” said Aisha.

“Well, since I’m a good person. I guess I can help you sleep.” said Keivana.

“I guess this is an after party.” said McKennezie.

“So what y’all wanna talk about?” asked Taysom.”

“Maybe a bedtime story.” Jiliana suggested.

“Jill you are sus and a baby, but okay who gonna tell the story?” said Keivana as she shook her head.

“I’ll do it.” said Taysom.

“Okay, go on Dr. Seus.” said McKennezie.

“Well, once upon a time it was this boy and this girl. They liked each other, but the girl's parents wouldn’t let them be together, because the boy's father raped the girl’s mother.” Taysom began.

“Oops that’s tuff.” said Keivana.

“Shush, let him continue.” said Jiliana.

“Anyways, so the girl and boy ran away from home to this small town where they can be together. When the girl’s father found out that she ran away with the boy. He, his son, and some soldiers went out to get his daughter back and kill the boy. When the girl, the boy, and their friends were eating dinner they heard horses outside the house. They looked out the window and saw the girl's dad, brother, and soldiers.  The father told them to give his daughter back, but they refused. They saw the soldiers pull out guns, so they went and got theirs. They had a 1 hour shootout, they were starting to lose. The girl and the boy had no choice, but to decide and give her back to her dad. The boy had a plan to get his girl back. He went out on this journey to the girl’s castle where she lived. He raided the castle shooting the soldiers, then he finally got to the girl’s room. The girl was happy to see him, she hopped onto him and kissed him. One of the soldiers tried to shoot the boy, but the bullet shot the girl’s back. The boy shot the soldier back and cried. He lifted the girl up and tried to get out of the castle to a small town. The father came and punched him. They fought for a while, but the boy won the fight. Once the boy got to the girl she was already dead. The boy then grabbed a knife and killed himself. So how y’all, oh-”

By time Taysom got through with the story the girls were already asleep.

“Well, sweet dreams ladies.” said Taysom as he went to sleep too.

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