Chapter 29: A Good Day

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Jill and Keivana were at Aisha’s house getting ready to go to the mall. It’s been a good while since they went. Even before Jahonna’s and McKennezie’s deaths. It was still cold, but the sun was shining and there weren’t any clouds in the sky. So for them, it was perfect mall shopping weather… well besides the coldness.

“Oh my god, Aisha, that bra looks good on you.” said Jiliana, amazed by the bra’s color pattern.


“Where’d you get it?” asked Keivana.

“Um, some place… I forgot.”

“I’mma see if I can get something similar from the mall.” Jill said.

“Jill, don’t you think it’ll be a little weird for a girl your age to be shopping for a bra?” Keivana implored.

“Umm, no. Why would that be weird?”

“I don’t know, I’d always thought that’d be something you would do with your mom. People might think you’re some type of prostitute.”

“Keivana, not tryna be rude or anything, but you worry too much about what people think or say about you.” Aisha implied.

“I just don’t like nobody talking about me.”

“Yeah, but you can’t live your life worrying about what others think or say. You’re an amazing person, if people don’t like you the way you are, then hell with them.”

Keivana thought maybe Aisha had some truth in what she said. After sliding on her socks Aisha put on her roller skates and grabbed her hand bag.

“You can’t wear no roller skates at the mall.” said Jiliana.

“For real, what are you doing?” said Keivana.

“Yes, I can. It’s just shoes with wheels.” Aisha put on her watch.

“How are you going to use the escalators then?” Keivana added.

“Umm, elevators.”

“What if Jill and I wanted to use the escalators?”

“I’m fine with taking the elevator by myself.”

“What if somebody tries to kidnap you on the elevator?”

“I was a black belt in a kung-fu class and I know Taekwondo.”

“Okay, then. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.”

“Anyways, come on before the temperature drops.”

Aisha's mom dropped them off at the mall. The girls walked in-well Aisha rolled in-and went over to the side thinking of where they should go first. They haven’t been here in a while, so it kinda feels new. Plus, the last time they went here, they were with Aisha’s and Jiliana’s moms. This is their first time going by themselves.

“Let’s go to Rue 21, I need some new jeans.” suggested Jiliana.

“Eh, okay, we’ll go there first. Is it up here or down stairs?” said Keivana.

“It’s up here.”

Walking past the neighboring stores, people were looking at Aisha strolling pass with her roller skates.

“I think you’re about to start a trend, Aisha.” said Jiliana, noticing the people looking at Aisha.

“Yeah, I know. I better get paid for doing it, too.” She laughed.

Entering Rue 21, one of the employees saw Aisha rolling in with her skates. “Now, that’s something you don’t everyday.” he said to himself.

“JEANS!” Jiliana ran over to the jeans. “OMG, These are neat-o!”

Keivana shook her head in embarrassment. “Jill, some words you could y’know not use. Like ‘neat-o’ for example.”

Aisha was looking at some shirts when her phone vibrated. She took a look at the notification and it was a director from one of the films she’d audition for. He told her that she got the role. She couldn’t believe she got the role. She tried so hard not to give out a scream. She walked over to Jiliana and Keivana and showed them the notification.

“I’m so happy for you.” said Keivana.

“So like you actually got it?” asked Jiliana.


“I only have two words to say. MOVIE… STAR!”

“You already know it!”

“So when are you going?”

“Well, he said production starts June 14th.”

“Aww, so you’re not going to be here for 11th grade.”

“I might have to do virtual, but physically, yeah, I won’t be here.”

“It ain’t gonna be the same without you, girl.” said Keivana.

After purchasing their stuff from Rue 21, Aisha texted her mom the good news, then they went to other stores. After a while they went over to the food court to get something to eat.

“So, when you get rich, I just wanna let you know that I want an Audi R8 and a beach side mansion, you got that?” Jiliana joked.

“Yeahh, and I want an IPhone.”

“I know that y’all are just joking, but just an IPhone?”

“Yeah, I can get other things I want by myself, because Imma be richer than you.” They all started laughing.

Once they were through eating and went for some more shopping, Aisha’s mom came to pick them up. Driving home they all fell asleep in the car. Aisha’s mom smiled looking at them all passed out on each other. But then a slight sad feeling came to her, knowing that usually there’ll be two more girls sitting back there. Those two girls would be Jahonna and McKennezie. Can’t ever get them days back.

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