Chapter 32: Back To School

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Winter Break sure went by quick, now the kids gotta get their heads back in the game for school, again. Keivana was walking towards the bus stop when she saw a girl standing there. She thought she must’ve been a new girl. She had a low curly hair-do, jeans shorts, and a hoodie. She seemed Spanish.

“Hey, you new?” asked Keivana.

“Hola- sorry, uh hey. Yeah, I’m new.”

“Cool. Where are you from?”

“I’m transferring from Florida… Tampa Bay, Florida.”

“Nice, nice. You Spanish? I’m asking that, cuz you look Spanish?”

“Yeah, I’m Dominican.”

“Cool, nice to know. I’m Keivana, by the way.”


“Franchesca, that’s a nice name. Can I call you Francisco?”

“Francisco, haha, I like that.”

While talking Aisha and Jiliana walked up. Jiliana was carrying a Bluetooth speaker playing music off of Aisha’s phone.

“Y’all better turn that music down, before that man and his wife get on y’all a**es like last time.” said Keivana.

“He and his wife can kiss my a** .” remarked Jiliana. Francisco giggled.

“These your friends?” Francisco asked.

“Yeah, oh guys, this is Franchesca, but I call her Francisco. She’s new here.”

Keivana introduced Francisco. Francisco waved her hand at them both. Aisha noticed that Francisco was wearing a rainbow bracelet, but she didn’t say anything.

“Hi.” Aisha waved back.

“Hi, nice to meet y’all.” Francisco replied.

“Ouu, I love your accent so much!” said Jiliana.

“Oh, ha, thanks.” Francisco laughed.

Later on, Taysom and Quayvon walked over, then the bus came. Taysom and Quayvon met Francisco, they thought she was a cool person. Arriving at the school, Jiliana silently groans to herself. Mr. Frazier and Mr. Fischer was standing outside on the ramp eating thrills. Some kids were confused, because it was January and the weather was still cold.

“Man, this root beer kind is so good.” said Mr. Fischer.

“Nah, man, you gotta try this cherry pop flavor. Sh*t is bussing, no cap.” remarked Mr. Frazier.

“I don’t really like cherries.”

“You tripping. Why not?”

“Because, I prefer peaches.” At first Mr. Frazier was confused on how Mr. Fischer said it in that way, but then  he realized what he meant when he said it.

“You know, you’re a freaky a** motherf***er.”

One thing the crew hated about coming off winter breaks is that they have new schedules. Meaning, most likely they will have different classes. But, it is what it is. At least Aisha and Keivana had one class together. Jiliana had classes all by herself. She kept texting Aisha every chance she got. Quayvon had two classes with Francisco and Taysom-just like Jiliana-was all by himself.

Quayvon sat down at a seat. Francisco decided to sit next to Quayvon since she somewhat knew him. The teacher passed out some note packets that they had to copy down in their notebooks. She allowed the students to talk while they did they’re notes, but not too loudly.

“Do you have another pencil?” Francisco asked.

“Yeah.” Quayvon handed her a pencil from out of his backpack.

“Thanks. Um, your friends seem cool.”

“Yeah, they lit.”

“How long have y’all been friends.”

“A long a** time. I’ve known Taysom since 2nd grade and uh, I think we met Jahonna in 3rd, she was friends with McKennezie that's how we met her. Aisha moved into the neighborhood after winter break. That's how we met her and she introduced us to Jiliana. They were pen pals, Jill came from Compton.”

“Oh, that’s a long time. What about Keivana?”

“We ain’t met her until 6th grade. And we’ve all been best friends ever since. There was also this girl, Stephanie, but she wound out moving.”

“Oh, okay. That’s nice. I know I’m asking a lot of questions, but um, I haven’t met McKennezie and Jahonna. Do they ride another bus?”

“Yeah… about that.” Sadness started to build up around Quayvon. He tried to explain in the best way without breaking down. “You see, McKennezie and uh… Jahonna died.”

Hearing that really hit hard for Francisco. “Oh… when? Sorry– you don’t have to answer that.”

“Nah, it’s good. It was this school year.”

“Sorry to hear that.” Francisco knew exactly how they all must have felt and still feel. She lost two of her siblings in a plane crash 3 years ago. She could still remember the sights of the dead bodies. It traumatized her a lot.

Even though they had different classes, their lunch period classes were in the same hall, meaning they had the same lunch. They sat down at the table they would usually sit in. Keivana invited Francisco to come sit with them. They were talking about the upcoming field trip for all of the 10th graders. They were going to LA. Taysom planned it.

“I know I’ve said it once, but I’mma say it, again, Franchesca your accent is soo cool.” said Jiliana as the rest laughed.

“Your’s too.”

“Thanks, I’m from California.”

“Yeah, Quayvon told me that.”

“When?” said Aisha.

“First period.”

“Oh, y’all got the same first period?” Keivana was adding a design on her nail.

“Yeah.” Quayvon implied.

“Man, how come I share no classes with anyone?” Both Taysom and Jiliana complained.

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