Chapter 26: Winter

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Finally, the Winter School Ball is here and now only one more week til Winter Break and the students AND teachers couldn’t wait to not see each other’s faces for a whole 2 weeks. As for the janitors, they were glad they won’t have to wipe piss off the toilets and mop period blood from off the floor for a whole 2 weeks. But not everyone was happy, though. Taysom, Aisha, Jiliana, and Quayvon were still worried about Keivana. Hoping that she’ll wake up from her coma. It’s been over 2 weeks now and they just want this horrible nightmare to end… in a good way.

Jiliana was by the punch table still thinking about what her cousin said.

“Hey Jill.” Nikamarie-a girl from her Health class-walked up to her.

“Oh hi, Nik.” Jill greeted back, leaning on the table and taking a sip of punch.

“Any words, yet?”

“No.” Jill tilted her head down.

“D*mn, this school year just been so f*cked up.”


“Goes to show how short life can be."

“Not tryna be rude, but can we not talk about this.”

“Sure, my bad.”

“No, you’re good. It’s just, I came here to get my mind off these types of things.”


Aisha walked into the Gym. She saw Jiliana over by the punch table and Quayvon with Taysom over by the bleachers. She was fighting herself in her mind trying to figure out if she should talk to her friends or not.

“Aisha, nice to see you here.” Mr. Frazier said, taking a sip of punch while holding a broom in his hand.

“Oh, hi Mr. Frazier.” Aisha replied, with a down tone in her voice.

“You don’t look so good, you good- nevermind, Ion know why I asked that. Keivana right?”


“Aye, don’t worry about it, girl. Everything’s going to be alright.” Mr. Frazier gave Aisha a hug.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Now go over there with your friends. You never know when it’s your last day, stay with them as much as possible. These things that’s going on is a sort of a lesson. That’s how I  seen and see it now.”

“Okay, maybe you're right. You have a good night.”

“For sure.”

Aisha gave in to what Mr. Frazier had just told her and walked over to her friends. She knew that it was true to stay near them as much  as possible, but she didn’t want to put them in harm. But what she didn’t know, that she wasn’t putting them in harm's way. These visions were like her powers. The ability to save others.

“Hey guys.” Aisha was kinda nervous, she wondered if they’ll be mad-pissed at her for ghosting out on them like that. Honestly, if they were, she knew they had the right to be. It felt like the day she first met them, it felt like she was just seeing her friends after years of being in contact with them.

When they heard Aisha’s voice, they’d turn around happy to see her approaching them.

“Yayy, you’re back!” Jiliana yelled happily.

“I knew you’d come to your senses.” Said Taysom smiling.

“For real, you can’t just be ditching n*ggas like that.” Quayvon went. Aisha gave them all a hug.

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