Chapter 11: O Brother of Mine

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Meanwhile, at the Sleeping Castle of the Spectral Realm, Trey, Sebek, and Rook have been walking across the area for a while, and finally, after a long walk, they've reached the gates.

Trey says, "We had to cross mountains, valleys, and rivers, but the castle gates are finally in sight."

"If things are the same as The Moon and the Laughing Night, then ghost guards will be stationed nearby," Rook says.

And questions, "I trusted the two of you remember everything we discussed?"

"Of course!" Sebek answers.

"Then as of this moment... Let's Operation: Undercover Specter commence! Rook says.

And with that, Rook, Trey, and Sebek begin to set their plan into motion.

At the gates, there are a couple of ghost guards.

One ghost says, "I've finished my rounds and have nothing to report, sir!"

"Good work," The second ghost says.

Soon enough, Rook, Sebek, and Trey arrive at the gate.

Rook says, "Bon soir!"

The ghosts are alert and ready to take action if necessary.

The first ghost shouts, "Who goes there?!"

"Oh, just a passing trio of friendly ghosts! I am a vampire ghost," Rook answers.

"I'm a skeleton," Trey says.

Then Sebek says, "And I'm a long."

"A vampire, a Skeleton, and a long all traveling together?" The first ghost says, confused.

"That's an odd group if I've ever seen one. I smell a rat!" The second ghost says.

Trey mutters, "They're already onto us..."

"Was this plan doomed from the start?!" Sebek questions.

Just then, Rook says, "What a terrible thing to say, bon amis. All living creatures become ghosts eventually. We're all on the same time, non? It feels petty to remain fixated upon what we were in life" He then smiles, "How are we to enjoy the afterlife if we're bound by what we left behind?"

Then turns to Sebek, "Do you not agree, o brother of mine?!"

"Did you just call me brother?!" Sebek asks, shocked.

"Hmmm..." The ghosts reply, looking at the three with suspicious looks.

Sebek quickly smiles and says, "I mean, yes quite right!"

Then leans to Rook, "What do we care of species distinctions?!"

Then the two lock arms with one other

Then mutters, "Rgh! I can't believe I, of all people, have to smile and lock arms with a human who calls me 'brother'..."

"I would implore your aid, mes amis! We wish to go to the party described here, but alas, we're hopelessly lost," Rook says.

Then Rook shows the two ghosts the invite.

"An invitation to the Halloween party! So the boss sent you as well," The first ghost happily replies.

"Oh, you're just going to the party. Nothing suspicious about that, I suppose," The second ghost says.

"Phew," Sebek and Trey say in relief.

Then Rook questions, "Did I hear correctly that you two were also invited?"

"You bet!" We're heading over as soon as our shift's finished," The first ghost says.

"AS for finding it -you'll get there eventually as long as you collect the mirror fragments," The second ghost says.

He chuckles, "Whee hee hee! Have you found any yet?!"

"Found any...?" Sebek questions.

"Uh, no, not yet," Trey answers. "We're a little stumped. Oh where could they possibly be?"

"Hmmm. They were scattered every which way a long time ago... You must find them on the ground, or in a tree, or even in the water. It just requires some good old-fashioned legwork," The first ghost answers.

"It's not so hard once you figure out the trick. Why, I found one in the castle moat not too long ago. See?" The second ghost says, and presents the mirror fragment.

Rook soon smiles to see the mirror fragment, and his reflection shines in the mirror.

"Hmm?!" The ghosts reply, confused.

Rook noticed the confused looks on the ghost face.

The first ghost notices and says, "Waaait a minute... You with the bob. Didn't you say you were a vampire? Then how come we can see you in this mirror?!"

Rook smiles and says, "Oh la la. Perhaps I'm so radiant today that I've become more reflective than usual?!"

However, the first ghost is not buying it, "don't be ridiculous! Good skin has nothing to do with vampires' reflections!"

Then the second ghost questions, "You're those living people the boss mentioned, aren't you?"

Trey and Sebek can see that they are practically going to be exposed.

"Things are turning ugly real fast... I think we'd better get out of here!" Trey says.

A Twisted Halloween II: Spectral SoireeWhere stories live. Discover now