Chapter 41

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"Sam!" I shook Sam back and forth as he slumped against me. "Samuel!"

"Is Sammy alright??" I heard Lula's voice come up from the crowd.

"Sam! Wake up!" I called and shook him again.

He didn't move.

"God damnit Sam!" I grit my teeth.

SAVE MATE. Aztec began to panic from inside my head.

I lifted Samuel up into my arms.

"Just wait a second!" Ramsey called out.

I growled before I thought.

Ramsey growled just as lowly and as loudly as I did.

"Just give the kid a minute to take it in!" He began.

"His name is Samuel!" I bit my tongue. "He doesn't need a minute! He needs the doc!"

YOU DUMBASS ALPHA BITCH! Aztec roared as I started to carry Sam away.

Ramsey reached out and grabbed my arm.

I felt myself tighten my grip on Samuel.

"Get. Your. Hand. Off. Of. Me. Right. Now." I felt Aztec chomping at the sky, trying to unleash himself.

I knew my eyes flashed as Aztec growled from deep within.

Ramsey slowly let go of my arm, but I could hear his low growl as I carried Samuel away.

"Sammy!" Lula's frantic yet somehow chipper voice followed me.

How the fuck is her voice still chipper!? Aztec couldn't contain his rage.

"Sammy!" Her voice was right behind me.

"Hang on one god damn minute Lula!" Eddie came up following her, gasping and coughing.

"You shouldn't make him run." I cut my eyes toward them.

"Doc!" I called down the hallway. "Doc!"

"Nicholas what in-?!" Paul opened the door and froze. He furrowed his eyebrows and kneaded them in his fingers. "Not again," he sighed as he watched me carry Samuel into his office. "Well put him on the table!"

I gently lowered Sam onto the Doc's table.

"What happened now?" Paul rubbed his head as he looked over Samuel.

"Shock I think," I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Shock from...?" Paul raised an eyebrow.

"Apparently, Our Luna here is related to The Alpha of the Gray Pack." I shrugged.

"Our Luna? Related to the Gray Pack Alpha? Ramsey King?" Paul's jaw slacked open.

"Apparently, the blood test says they have the same father." I pulled a chair and sat next to Sam.

The poor kid was out cold.

"Well...I suppose that would shock anyone enough to pass out...even more our Luna." Paul spoke under his breath, not that I couldn't hear.

"What do you mean, Paul?" I took Sam's hand in mine.

"Nicholas, be the intelligent man I know you are. Aztec was only in control a little while and at once your muddled to kingdom come." Paul started opening cabinets and pulling things out. "Our Luna is newly 16; he's been thrown into a world he's never known, a school he obviously dislikes, given a friend he didn't pick...and Neil of all things is maybe not the best pick for our Luna. Now this, a new sibling he didn't know existed appearing out of no where and learning his father-I'm assuming based on his charts-had relations with a woman who gave birth to this alpha. Oh I would have fainted too." Paul spoke quickly as he strode over with a bottle of purple liquid.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Smelling stuff," he rolled his eyes and wafted the mixture under Sam's nose.

He began to fidget and moan.

I could see Paul deeply in thought as Sam was slowly coming too.

"What's wrong, Paul," I raised a eyebrow as I held onto Sam's hand.

"It's strange..." Paul began, rubbing his chin.

"You said his brother was an Alpha?" He knitted his eyebrows lookin at Sam's chart.

"Yes," I answered shortly.

"Older or younger?" Paul delved.


"How much?"

"I don't know, like a few years. He's in his early twenties. What's wrong, Paul? You're freaking me out."  I rose up.

"It's just...strange that his father-a mortal was able to spawn an alpha with just a female fact it's never been heard of." Paul walked down the table and took a look at Sam's ankle. "Hmmmm," he vocalized, "peculiar."

"Paul?" I felt Aztec strong within me.

If he doesn't just cough up what the fuck he's trying to say— Aztec began.

"Only Alpha types or their family members can spawn alphas." Paul began, "So if his older brother, conceived between his father and a female, is an alpha, would it not make sense that he too is an alpha or at least a wolf of some sort?"

My body froze, my my mind lurched.

I had never thought about that possibility.

"Look," Paul drew my attention to his ankle. "It's almost healed already," he rubbed his wrist, "unprecedented in humans."

"Are you telling me our Luna may be a wolf?" I knitted my eyebrows.

Sam began to moan more and he was stretching his body slowly.

"In theory, yes...but according to these" Paul grabbed his medical records chart. "He's listed as a human."

"His mother was some hot shot doctor," I began, "could that be a reason?"

"I mean yeah, if she's that high up she coulda messed up the paper work...or avoided having him tested at birth all together. That is a relatively new thing. She coulda just said he was human back then and that was that." Paul explained.

"Can you test him here again?" I looked at Sam as his eyes began to flutter open.

"Yeah, but he will need to give me blood." Paul deadpanned.

Sam shot his body upwards.

"No!" He shouted, "I give no more blood today!" He wailed in a crackly voice.

He started to jolt up from the table but I grabbed him before he fell.

"Would you slow down!" I wailed, "you fainted!"

"Oh, did I?" He asked, "no matter." He tried to wave it off and push me away from himself.

"Oh for the love of the Moon Goddess!" I rolled my eyes at his fruitless attempts and pulled him into my arms again.

He squeaked a little and grabbed a hold of me to not fall.

From the other side of the door, I could sense the presence of another Alpha.


He was waiting.

"Doc, make it happen," I finalized as I carried Sam out of the room.

The door opened, and Ramsey was their waiting, some of his men by his side.

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