Chapter 64

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We ate lunch and then I went outside to help my dad get some tables and chairs from his truck. "Thanks Caleb, I could have done this later." I shook my head 'that's silly when I'm here and capable'  in a few more trips we had them stored in the garage and my dad stopped me before we headed inside. "Caleb, I.. I want you to know that we're proud of you, of everything you have accomplished in life. I couldn't be more happy for you and Mallory. You seem so happy." I gave my dad a hug. 'I love you dad'  we walked back inside to find Mallory and my mom in the living room. Mallory was looking at the puzzle and my mom was flipping through the TV. I sat next to Mallory and put my hand on her thigh while talking to my mom and dad. We hung out and enjoyed our afternoon, at almost four I nudged Mallory and asked if she was ready to go. She nodded and I ran upstairs to get our overnight bag.


I hugged Mr. and Mrs. Odell telling them that we would be back soon and they were welcome to come visit us at Heartland anytime they would like. Caleb came back downstairs and hugged both of his parents as well. We walked outside and Caleb grabbed my hand walking me to his truck. Caleb opened my door and helped me inside, Reached over and buckled me in and kissed me before walking around to the drivers side. We were driving down the road when I cleared my throat and looked over at Caleb "your mom said that we could have the baby furniture that was yours if it's okay with you?" Caleb nodded, yeah I think that would be great. Maybe just buy a new clean crib mattress. I smiled and nodded. "I was also thinking.... If... if this baby is a girl, we should name her Cassie" Caleb's grip tightened on the steering wheel and I thought I had done the wrong thing. 'I think that would be incredible' he finally said. I let out a breath of air and Caleb reached across the center console laying his hand on my thigh, I laid my hand over his and closed my eyes. I woke up when we turned off of the highway and onto the dirt road headed to heartland, Caleb looked over at me. "Morning sleepy girl." I smiled and yawned. We pulled up to the barn to see that Scott and Badger were standing in the isle way talking. We walked over to where they were and greeted them, "Hey Scott how's it going?" Caleb asked him. 'Pretty good, I was just talking to Badger about a two week equine dentistry program in Calgary.' I smiled at Badger "that would be pretty awesome" Badger shrugged. 'Yeah, but it's two weeks and I'd have to stay there and the cost..' Scott interrupted him "I would be willing to sponsor you, cover the cost" Badger looked shocked. 'It's still two weeks..' Caleb stepped closer to Badger and nudged him on the shoulder. "We can handle it man, there might be a time in a few months when we need a lot of help. But right now we got you." Scott quirked his head and looked between Caleb and I. 'Oh yeah, by the way, I'm having a baby' Scott grinned so wide that I thought his face was going to split. "That's incredible guys! I'm so happy for you!" Scott gave me a hug and shook Caleb's hand.

Caleb wrapped his arm around me and Scott started to explain it to us and Badger about the school. "So you would have to leave on Friday and you would be there for two weeks, I'll take you and drop you off. I'll pay for your classes and I'll pick you up in two weeks when your finished." Badger still looked hesitant but I stepped foreword and gave him a hug. 'It's going to be great, we have this covered plus Soraya said that she would help with anything we needed.' Badger slowly nodded like it was just fully sinking in that it was all working out. I stepped back into Caleb's side and we invited Scott and Badger in the house. Scott passed saying he had an early morning but Badger followed us up to the house. "What has to be done tomorrow Badger?" Caleb asked as we walked up to the house 'we need to patch a little bit of fence at Tim's, the fence isn't down but there's a tree leaning on it. It needs to be cut off and the wire tightened.' Caleb turned around and was walking backwards talking to us. "Easy peasy, won't take too long." Badger nodded. 'The outside horses need to come in and the inside ones need to go out. I scrubbed all of the buckets and waterers yesterday' "I can do that while you guys work on the fence" Caleb smiled at me and gave me a nod. We got to the front steps and Caleb trotted up the stairs and opened the door for us to walk in. I headed to the kitchen and opened the freezer rummaging around. "Is pizza good with you guys?" I yelled from the kitchen 'sounds good' they echoed from the living room. I turned the oven on to pre heat and I walked into my room in the house and changed into sweatpants and a Calgary Stampede long sleeve T-shirt of Caleb's and then I went back to the kitchen to put the pizzas in the oven. I leaned against the doorway going to the living room and watched Caleb and Badger sitting on the couch talking about Heartland, about us having a baby and about Badger going to dentistry school. I smiled to myself and walked over sitting between them. Caleb pulled my phone out of his back pocket and handed it to me. "You left it in the truck" I grabbed it and looked at my screen.

New Text Message From: Soraya
Hey girl!
I'm almost back to Hudson, Chase is staying with Amy and the horses until they leave on Wednesday. Do you guys need anything?

I shower the text to Caleb and he shook his head "I think we're set, but if she wants to come over I'm good with it." I glanced at Badger and he nodded his okay while looking down at his phone.

Reply to Soraya:
No I think we're good, we're eating pizza and watching movies if you'd like to come out?

My phone pinged almost immediately.

New Text Message From: Soraya

Yesss! I don't want to sit at my house alone. Be there in 15

I stood up and went to the kitchen and checked on the pizza and then sat at the bar rolling through my phone since I didn't want to start a movie without Soraya.

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