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Mujhse aap aab bhi naaraz ho na Shaurya...?

A slight whisper and perching on his already curled up thighs Anokhi once again slouched off sluggishly in his lap. Claiming back her original place she went ahead reclining back against his chest.

She was yearning to unleash his soul from all the suppressed anguish and caged sufferings that were dwelling behind his outwardly cheerful demeanour.

Shaurya is skilled at concealing his pain behind his facade safeguarding all his repressed agonies from the outside world and here Anokhi was coaxing him to open up, attempting to pull down that wall which he has build around himself.

Taking his own time Shaurya paused trying to decipher the context of her question, but no sooner as a non verbal response he swiftly swaddled her in the span of his wide solicitous arms.

A surge of unleashed passion gushed upon him. He so adores the fact as how finely Anokhi aces in mending his crumbled state.

Things can always go from bad to worse but one thing that remains intact is her power of healing and realigning things back on the right note in her own solicitude way.

Few moments of fulfilling silence is when a deep profound sigh made it's way and Shaurya drew himself closer to her, unfolding and unleashing himself in their comforting closeness.

Sinking deeper and deeper in her silky folds, he chose to remain silent reminicising the reasons behind his rickety state while Anokhi wrapped his arms around her & reciprocating his embrace, she gently coaxed him to open up the doors leading to the darkest chambers of his past which always ends up in triggering his traumatic side.

When it comes to our own ambivalences, Anokhi was conversant enough with Shaurya's ways and his coping mechanisms to deal with it.

And all she was doing at this moment was supplying him with the much needed emotional support and space while also being extra cautious that she isn't pushing him past his breaking point.

A pregnant silence prevailed around as entwining their palms over her belly Shaurya erratically rocked her in his arms.

Laboriously pecking onto her shoulders he was giving his best shot in detaching himself from his trapped quandary state.

Shaurya aap ko pata hai na...
Aap mujhse kuch bhi share kar sakte hai...

Sluggishly cosseting and petting his biceps, Anokhi non verbalized the cues as how receptive she is right now towards his unarmoured emotions.

She was there to listen him out and had no intentions of being judgemental over the multitude of baggages that he was bearing this long from his oppressive past.

Harbouring a turbulent past and besides that letting it still breathe inside you is always a toxic affair and who knows the perks of that feeling better than her when she too had a similar encounter in her past.

Anokhi can very well relate to what Shaurya must have been going through all this while and thus all she longed for is Shaurya's riddance and liberation from all those suffocating memories that chokes him every time from within.

A solicitous hold onto his arms as if resonating it with the oblique reference to their growing affinity, and Anokhi cuddled more into him, furnishing him with a sense of surety, that no matter what be the situation around, he will always find her standing by his side.

...WHAT'S THERE IN A SURNAME...  #saakk FFWhere stories live. Discover now