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"Hey Anokhi... kya hua...
kaha kho gaye tum...."

This time he tapped on her shoulder breaking her long held revieve.
A sweet trance that was surely a priceless one.

Quickly composing, she mentally facepalmed herself of day dreaming about such magical proposal.

"Shaurya ne zaroor aisa he kuch plan kiya hoga..."

A slight nod and she gestured being okay... but her mind was titillating in excitement still dreaming of the bestest proposal ways which her husband might have chosen for tonight.

She trusted his ability to create something beyond magical and now she couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement gushing while thinking about what awaited them.

Hardly a minute or so when a whole bunch of media and journlists flocked around them waiting for some brewing news rolling their way...

all eager to uncover the hidden surprises that Shaurya's actions were long hinting towards.

"Sir, would you like to introduce the beautiful lady standing by your side..."

One of the journalist asked as feeling multiple knots in her stomach Anokhi curled her toes in impulse, preparing herself for the grand revelation.

Their question exactly matched to what she dreamt off just now, but will Shaurya's answer make a perfect match to it.

Standing by his side, her heart pounded heavily in her chest. She could feel the weight of the moment,
the anticipation buzzing in the air.

The other side, media hungry for a story, tried to capture every moment, every stolen glance, and every whispered word, as in an attempt to capture Shaurya's reply few of the journalists started jostling to try and get closer to them is when...

Shaurya inacted fast in pulling Anokhi to his side, as shielding her from the mob he placed his hand as a barricade in between.

"Easy guys...
please step back off the stage..."

He commanded upfront, as holding a protective stance towards Anokhi, he gently squeezed her palm drewing her behind himself.

"Hey you there....
I am talking to you...."

He pointed to one of the camera personnels from the crowd who was still busy capturing their pictures.

Could you just stop taking our photographs please.."

Shaurya's stern yet composed demeanor left the journalists slightly taken aback.

They reluctantly obeyed, realizing that their curiosity about this new face would have to surely wait.

Cameras stopped clicking and a hushed silence fell over the crowd as taking a deep breath Shaurya looked at Anokhi, passively checking on her if she got affected by this unlikely encounter.

...WHAT'S THERE IN A SURNAME...  #saakk FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें