The Traitor Among Us

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And there stood 3 magic knight captains.

Captain Charlotte, Captain Jack and to my bad luck, the one person I was trying to hide from; Captain of Silver Eagles, Nozel.

“Looks like you’re having fun Yami. Let us play too”

Captain Jack spoke, blades covering his arms.

“Aw man. A second or two, something would have awakened in me” Captain Yami said sitting down.

“A second or two, you would have died”

He turned around to see me. “Didn’t I tell you stay inside the shield brat?”

“My hearing is not really well it seems”

I had ran out of the shield in the last second, to protect him but oh well.

“I’ll fix your damn hearing you stubborn brat!” Captain Yami said glaring at me but I just giggled.

He looked at me then at Nozel then back at me, smirking this time. I shook my head at Captain Yami desperately but I shouldn’t have even bothered.

“Oi braids! Does your face still hurt? A little birdie told me you got slapped by a 15 year old girl. Would that ever be true?” Captain Yami asked.

Nozel looked at us with the sharpest glare and I swear he would have killed us if he wasn’t preoccupied.

Dear Captain Yami,

If I’m not killed due to your mocking,
I will kill you.

With love,

Captain Jack laughed and said “A little girl slapped you? Oh my I would love to see that girl.”

“Why, It’s none other than this stubborn brat here” Captain Yami said pointing at me and Captain Jack doubled over in laughter.

Captain Charlotte looked at me as if she was proud but unsure at the same time.

“After this, I swear upon the Silva family, I’m gonna end you both” Nozel said giving us a dangerous glare.

“Please kill him first” I told Nozel, pointing at Captain Yami.

“Huh?! If I could stand up, I would’ve given you a smack on the head”

“I know.” I simply stated.

The rest of us stared at us as if we had forgotten where or what we were doing.

I looked over at the elves to see Rhya snickering. Patri had a small smile while Vetto had a grin. Fana…well let’s not talk about that.

“How long are you gonna sit there? You’re so pathetic for a man.” Captain Charlotte said coldly at Captain Yami and this time I doubled over in laughter.

“You’re harsh as always. And brat you better stop laughing before I make you!”

“Now then, let’s get things started. I’ll chop you all up!” Captain Jack said after he controlled his laughter.

“Alright then, I call dibs on the pretty lady. Once I win, I’m taking her out for a drink.” Rhya said getting ready to attack.

He really didn’t change…’ I thought smiling.

And the fight began.
The captains and the elves
were equally skilled but one
more powerful than the other.
Nozel tried to attack Patri
which was a mistake.
Fana used her powers
to shield him then glared or looked (Can’t tell the difference)
at Nozel.

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