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☆ Lee Tae-Moon ☆

    A soft frown stayed present on the male's face the whole class period, his mind hyper-fixated on his teacher's words. Tae-Moon wished he could ignore the thoughts that crossed his mind and look at the outside scenery that was presented to him. However, he just couldn't.

Obviously, he knows about my record. But did he really just have to say that? Aish... So annoying.

Sighing softly, Tae-Moon looked away from the window and around his new classroom. The room was fairly sized and clean. There wasn't a single bit of graffiti to be seen as well. The room was also had dim lights, which barely shined properly on the students. However, the windows that stand on the wall opposite of the sliding doors provided a great amount of light to illuminate the room.

Tae-Moon liked the layout of the classroom, it was colorful and nice. It was the complete opposite of his old prison cell.

Just thinking about the blood-stained cell made the petite boy almost throw up his breakfast. Even though he was in there for three years, Tae-Moon still could never get over the horrible smells and the invasive eyes of his cellmates.

Upon looking around the room, he also found his peers giving him side glances.

The hell?

He was met by a mix of reactions. Some girls gave him side glances whilst others glared or looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

Not wanting to come in contact with their eyes, he looked back towards the window and into his thoughts.

Well, it looks like no one is wanting to approach me. Even after the teacher left to go get copies of some papers. Looks like my plan is working so far. Hah, even if I didn't indirectly cause it-

"HI! My name is Zoe!" With a slight flinch, Tae-Moon turned his head to the left. He was met by a dark-haired girl with a wide smile and eyes glinting in interest. The teen went to greet her, but instead closed his mouth and turned back towards the window.

Stay clear of any social interaction. She may look sweet, but I have no idea if she has any ulterior motives.

"Uh... Did you not hear me?" She asked quietly. Tae-Moon glanced back and nodded.

I guess I'll just give her short answers, so she thinks I'm uninterested. Isn't that a turn off for girls? Hm...

"My name is Tae-Moon." He answered quietly, his voice soft. Zoe's smile became more excited, which earned an annoyed, internal sigh from the male.

Maybe I should have just ignored her.

"So, why are you in the Fashion Department, Tae~?"

Fuck. A nickname already? Not good. Abort situation. Abort situation-

"Oh um... I'm uh..."

The now nervous male began to sweat as he became flustered.

I'm only in this class because my grades were lacking. I know nothing about fashion or trends. Uh um... think brain, think! I'm here because-

An idea suddenly came to mind.

"Because I'll like to study and learn how to make different types of clothing?" He stuttered out, hoping his reason didn't sound interesting as possible.

The girl gasped.

Aish. Mission failed.

"You want to make clothes? Like have your own brand too? Oh my! Do you have any companies you look up to?" She said with excitement.


Tae-Moon nodded, and then shrugged.

"I like all of them?"

Zoe raised an eyebrow.

"All of them? Which ones?"

She's as persistent as them...


Luckily, the small ringing of the bell interrupted their conversation. As Zoe turned towards the clock with irritation, Tae-Moon grabbed his backpack quickly and rushed off and out of the class.

Saved by the bell. Tonight, I'll do some homework over fashion brands and terms...

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